Clone a single page in CMS Lite

Last updated on January 9, 2024

Create a new page in CMS Lite by copying an existing page.

On this page

Overview of cloning a page in CMS Lite

Cloning a page in CMS Lite allows you to create an exact copy of an existing page, which you can then modify for different content. This feature is especially useful for maintaining consistent formatting and structure across multiple pages.

Restrictions on cloning for Level 3 pages

Level 3 topic pages cannot be cloned without approval from the IA Working Group. Contact the GDX Service Desk at for assistance.

Step-by-step guide to cloning a page

Please contact the GDX Service Desk at if you do not see your topic(s) in the Navigation Tree.

Cloning the page

Watch the video

To clone a single page:

  1. Locate the page: Navigate to the applicable location in the Content Navigation Pane and check the box next to the page node selected checkbox, or click on the page node title to select it
  2. Initiate cloning: Click the drop-down Action menu and select Clone Page
  3. Clone dialogue box: A box will appear, showing the default setting to clone one copy. You can choose to clone more copies by selecting from the drop-down list
  4. Confirmation: After selecting the number of clones, click [Confirm]. A message will confirm the number of clones created.confirmation of number of clones

Content action drop-down menu

drop-down list of numbers

Locating the cloned page

The cloned page(s) will be displayed in the Content Pane and will appear in the navigation tree at a sibling level (same level) as the page that was cloned.

Click image to view in full screen
Content Pane showing clones

The Created By and Created Date values will be updated to reflect the name and date of the person that cloned the page, along with the Modified Date, Modified By, Locked Date and Locked By fields.

All tabs within the template are copied including Metadata (with the exception of the Keywords and Description fields) and Tags.  It is important to update these fields to reflect the new content.  See the Content Pane tab for further information.

Editing and publishing the cloned page

The cloned pages will appear in the Content Pane at the same level as the original.

Cloned pages are auto-locked

Cloned pages are automatically locked until they are published or unlocked manually.

Before publishing

  • Update the Title, Nav Title, and Page Path, which will include the original name followed by 'clone-x', where x is a unique number
  • Ensure to update the Metadata and Tags of the cloned pages to reflect the new content

Update these fields before publishing.

Validation warnings

If 'Clone' is not removed from the Title, Nav Title, and Page Path, a warning message will appear the first time you select [Save]. Ensure all mandatory fields are completed to avoid warnings.

Important: Make sure to also remove the system generated number from all three fields.

Yellow warning

A warning message will be displayed each time the [Save] action is invoked until all mandatory fields are completed.  An exclamation mark will be displayed on the tab(s) that contain missing field information, and the field(s) will be highlighted by a yellow border. 

page validation warning message

Red warning

If the [Publish] action is invoked when missing mandatory fields exist, the warning message and icon(s) will be red, and the field(s) will be highlighted by a red border. 

unsuccessful publish message due to missing field content