NRM SDLC - Operations and Sustainability

Last updated on January 15, 2024

This category includes product stabilization, post implementation review, achieving project material, and releasing team members from the project.


Project Closure Report

Standards and Guidelines

This is a formal document authorizing closure at the end of a project. It provides agreement to wrap up all the deliverables and initiates the release of funding, human resources, and contracts. The closure process involves a review and acceptance of major deliverables and project documentation. The document may highlight any deficiencies in expectations in outcomes and required steps for resolution.

This document requires sign-off by the project sponsor, project manager, and potentially other key stakeholders. For Corporate Services for Natural Resources Information Management Branch managed projects, the business portfolio manager and Chief Information Officer are also signatories.


No template is available at this time.

Deliverable Requisite

Use will be determined in consultation with the project management office.


There is no sample currently available


Closeout Checklist

The checklist includes the key deliverables and activities that need to be done to formally complete the project or phase.

Standards and Guidelines

The standard is to use the template provided to guide the close out of the project or phase.


Deliverable Requisite

The Close-Out Checklist is mandatory for all project levels and categories.


There is no sample currently available


Lessons Learned Report

A review of lessons learned is when the project team takes time to assess what went well, what areas could be improved upon and makes recommendations going forward for the team and/or the organization. 

Lessons learned are to be documented at the end of a project as well as throughout the project life cycle, as required.

Also reference Post Implementation Review if the project is planning to evaluate investment results.

Standards and Guidelines

The standard is to use the templates provided to guide the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project and determine if there are improvements that could be made in the next project.

LEAN BC is the centre for LEAN methodologies and continuous process improvement resources.  


There is no template currently available

Deliverable Requisite

A post project review and lessons learned is mandatory for every project.


Samples are not available at this time


Post-Implementation Review

The purpose of a Post-Implementation Review (PIR) is to evaluate the investment after the project has completed.  

This review is conducted to (1) examine differences between estimated versus actual investment costs and benefits and possible ramifications for unplanned funding needs in the future and (2) extract "lessons learned" about the investment selection and control processes that can be used as the basis for management improvements.  Similarly, PIR's should be conducted for projects that were terminated before implementation to identify supplemental uses of the investment as well as identifying potential process improvements.

Also reference if there are plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the project execution and document improvements for the next project.  Lessons learned are usually included in an NRS PIR.

Standards and Guidelines

The standard is to use the templates to guide the evaluation of the project’s results in relationship to the initial investment plans and intended outcomes.


Deliverable Requisite

A PIR is mandatory for moderate and complex project levels.


There is no sample currently available


Contact information

Please contact us via email for any inquiries related to the SDLC.

NRIDS Standards Enquiries