English | Français
This directory compiles French-language resources and information provided by Government of British Columbia. Because French materials are continually being added and updated, this list may not be exhaustive. If you have a resource to add or would like to indicate a problem on the page, please email FA-AF@gov.bc.ca.
Note that some links may open as English pages with links to French translations, and some links provide machine translation in French that must be selected using the language box on the page.
Additional material may be available. Please contact EDUC.FrenchEducation@gov.bc.ca for more details.
BizPaL British Columbia - Find the permits and licences you need for your business
WorkBC (Machine translation available)
Additional material may be available. Please contact pls@phsa.ca for more details.
Coming Soon
Government publications in French available for order or free download from Crown Publications.
Community directory of French-language resources produced by the British Columbia Francophone Federation (Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique) and the Francophone Immigration Network of BC (Réseau en immigration francophone de la Colombie-Britannique).
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get help with government services in French.
Pour accéder à l’information en français.
If you wish to contact us, we will gladly serve you in French or English.