Provincial funding opportunities

Last updated on June 17, 2024

The province offers several funding opportunities that not-for-profit organizations can take advantage of such as B.C Gaming, B.C Arts Council, Tourism, and the provincial fund for French language services.

Please note that the following information is only available in English:

Provincial fund for French language services


The provincial funding for French language services supports non-profit organizations that provide services to French-speaking individuals in British Columbia.

Total value of the fund: $250,000

Eligibility and funding criteria


Organizations eligible to apply must:

  • Be a B.C. registered not-for-profit organization in good standing that provides a service or program to French-speaking residents of B.C
  • Demonstrate their capacity to deliver the service
  • Demonstrate the longer-term financial sustainability of the service being offered
  • Only one project per eligible applicant can be submitted

Funding criteria

Proposal must:

  • Focus on service(s) to B.C. francophone residents and be aligned with B.C. government priorities:
    • Attainable and affordable housing
    • Safer communities
    • Improved health care
    • A sustainable, clean, secure and fair economy
  • Respond to a documented Francophone community need
  • Show a diversity of revenue streams (please refer to bullet 3 under “eligibility”)
  • Administrative expenses must not exceed 10% of the total value of the funding requested
  • Describe how the proposal will reach its target audience(s)
  • Describe expected measurable results (output and outcomes)
  • Note: festivals, fairs, and events are not eligible. An event organized as part of a larger service delivery initiative may be eligible

Preference may be given to proposals that:

  • Are delivered under formal agreement in collaboration with other non-profit organizations
  • Reach a broad geographic area
  • Encourage diversity and inclusion
  • Generate knowledge or resources that may be shared with others
  • Demonstrate strong financial sustainability beyond the requested amount submitted in the application

Other considerations:

  • Past recipient performance (e.g., outcomes reported, administration of the funding received, etc.) will be considered in the decision-making process
  • A geographic distribution lens may be applied in the decision-making process
  • Preference may be given to applicants who have not previously received funding under this Fund
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Contact information

If you wish to contact us, we will gladly serve you in French or English.