Compulsory reporting for hunters

Last updated on November 26, 2024

Compulsory reporting is a requirement for certain game species within specific locations under the Wildlife Act Hunting Regulations. Report data is submitted for the purposes of wildlife stewardship and enforcement.

Compulsory reporting species are listed in the Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis.

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Information collected on a compulsory report

Within 30 days after the date of the kill of a compulsory reporting species, please report:

  • location of the kill
  • date of the kill
  • hunter’s or taker’s name, FWID, address and telephone number
  • number of days hunted before the animal was killed
  • weapon type used for the kill
  • animal class of the animal killed
  • hunting or species licence numbers

Submitting a compulsory report

Compulsory reports may be submitted:

Note: Tooth samples are not required for compulsory reporting.


If a compulsory report is not submitted 30 days after the date of the kill, an individual may receive a fine of $115.

Voluntary reporting

Hunters can submit a voluntary report that collects the same information as a compulsory report on any big game species that is not listed under Compulsory Reporting or Compulsory Inspection. Submission of a voluntary report is the same as a compulsory report.

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