BC Family Maintenance Agency

Last updated on June 26, 2024

About the BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA) 

BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA) provides a free service available to families in British Columbia who are eligible to receive or pay family support. The Agency offers supports that strengthen families so that they may achieve their full potential and secure the best possible future for their children. By putting people first, they ensure recipients receive the support payments to which they are entitled, contributing to financial stability and security for B.C. families.

BCFMA works directly with the Government of B.C. to support the goals of increasing access to justice, reducing child poverty and delivering services to citizens in a customer-focused way. The Agency has built a foundation for services that is predictable, sustainable and able to change and expand as required.

BCFMA will:

  • Collect the amounts owing under a support order or agreement, including any arrears and special or extraordinary expenses from the person paying support (called the payor)
  • Calculate arrears, record and forward payments to the person receiving support (called the recipient)
  • Take steps, if necessary, to try to ensure the person who is supposed to pay support makes the required payments

More Information 

For more information about the Agency, please visit the BC Family Maintenance Agency website