How long will it take before I receive payments through BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA)?

Last updated on June 26, 2024

There is no simple answer to this question.

If the payor is making regular payments now, and you enrol in the BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA) to keep track of your support, your first payment may arrive within a month of your enrolment.

If you enrol in BCFMA to ensure that someone who has had a poor payment history makes regular payments, it may take longer.

If you do not know where the payor now lives or works, and BCFMA needs to search for the payor's address, employer, and assets this will take additional time.

Any information you can give BCFMA about the payor's location, job, social insurance number, or assets – such as a car or boat, land, or bank accounts – can help with collecting your support.


Once your support order or agreement is enrolled the program, BCFMA will do their best to collect your payments. If income assistance is the payor's sole source of income, BCFMA cannot by law attach that income and will need to look for other assets or resources.

BCFMA will continue to pursue any money owed to you as long as your support order or agreement is enrolled with the Agency.