Inter-Jurisdictional Support Orders

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act and Divorce Act

British Columbia has arrangements regarding family support matters (maintenance) with all Canadian provinces and territories, all of the United States and several other countries. These are called reciprocating jurisdictions. This means that B.C. and each of the reciprocating jurisdictions agree to recognize family support orders and agreements made in the other jurisdiction.

Under B.C.’s Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act (ISO), you can apply to get or change an existing support order in a reciprocating jurisdiction without having to go there (e.g. one parent lives in B.C. and the other parent lives in Ontario; the parent in B.C. can make an application in B.C. for a new support order). The respondent in the reciprocating jurisdiction (e.g. the parent living in Ontario) goes to court to respond to the application. The court in the reciprocating jurisdiction may make an order that can then be enforced.   

You can do the same under Canada’s Divorce Act if the respondent lives in Canada.

The Interjurisdictional Support Services (IJSS) is the designated authority in B.C. that administers, sends and receives applications between B.C. and reciprocating jurisdictions.

The Hague Child Support Convention

As of March 1, 2024, the 2007 Hague convention came into force in B.C. The convention is an international treaty that allows people to establish, change and enforce support orders when they live in countries that have also adopted the convention.

There are several forms to use when preparing your application depending on your situation and where the other person lives. Not all the forms are needed for every application.

Further information about the process, including information about which forms that you need, can be found at Or, contact:

Interjurisdictional Support Services
Vancouver Main Office Boxes
P.O. Box 2074
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3S3

Phone: 604-660-2528
Toll-free: 1-866-660-2684