How does the BC Family Maintenance Agency (BCFMA) work? What can it do?

Last updated on June 26, 2024

The foundation of BCFMA’s services is client-centric, inclusive, and able to adapt to meet the diverse needs of their clients. They take a balanced approach to family support services that ensures they listen to, collaborate with, and work with all parties to achieve the best outcomes for children and families.

If you are a recipient

  • BCFMA will work with the payor to develop a plan for paying the ongoing support payments and/or any arrears owing
  • If a voluntary payment plan does not work, BCFMA may take additional actions to collect your payments
  • BCFMA cannot send you money unless they receive the money first from the payor
  • BCFMA cannot change your court order or agreement for support to a different amount or a different payment schedule
  • If your circumstances have changed, you can work with the other party to write a new agreement, or to apply to the court for a new order. Please talk to a family justice counsellor for more information, or a lawyer for legal advice. Please also see our section on Going to Court

If you are a payor

  • If you fall behind in your payments, BCFMA will work with you to develop a plan for paying your ongoing support payments and/or any arrears owing
  • If a voluntary payment plan does not work, BCFMA may consider taking additional actions
  • BCFMA understands that sometimes it may be difficult for you to make your payments on time and in full. Although BCFMA does not have the authority to change the amount of support you are required to pay under a court order or agreement there are a number of resources available in B.C. to help
  • Please talk to a family justice counsellor for more information, or a lawyer for legal advice. Please also see our section on Going to Court.