Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Articling Students

Last updated on April 12, 2024

What do you like to see in an interview?

Not only do we want to see thoughtful, well-reasoned answers, we also want to know who you are. We are looking for people who are dedicated to the development of the law and to excellent client service.

Any advice?

Talk to people. The best way to figure out if this is the place for you is to talk to people who are already here and practising. We have a large number of current and former articled students who are happy to talk to you about working with the Legal Services Branch (LSB) and about the hiring process. To connect with one of our current students, please contact Michelle Li, Articled Student Manager.

Read the Attorney General Act. It is the governing legislation for our role as legal counsel to the provincial government. It’s kind of important.

Read the Crown Proceeding Act. It provides the ground rules for litigation for and against the government. As a student with the LSB, it is legislation that you will become very familiar with. 

Do you hire outside of the articling intake period?

Due to the rotation schedules of our students, we cannot accommodate hiring any students outside of the two hiring streams for summer students and articled students.

Will I be required to record my time?

Articled students are required to record and track their time. Timekeeping is an extremely important skill for students to learn prior to being called to the Bar. The Chair of the Articled Student Committee and Articled Student Manager monitor each students’ timekeeping to ensure they find the right balance of making the most of their articling year and not taking on too heavy of a workload.

How will I be evaluated?

Students receive both formal and informal feedback regularly throughout the articling year from their Principal, the Chair of the Articled Student Committee, Manager of Articling and directly from lawyers they work with. Formal feedback is provided through an evaluation form completed by assigning lawyers upon the completion of substantial assignments and provides students with useful and constructive information on their individual strengths and areas where further development is needed. Students meet with their Principal to review and discuss the evaluations before they are provided to the Chair and Manager.

Is the articling position in Victoria or Vancouver?

We have positions available in both Victoria and Vancouver for our year-long articled students, as we have offices in both cities. Of the seven or eight students that we hire in a year, we have typically been able to accommodate two students in Vancouver, with the remainder comprising the cohort in Victoria. If you have any questions as to which city you believe would be the best fit for you, please don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Li, Articled Student Manager, Eva Ross, Chair of the Articling Student Committee, or a member of the Articled Student Committee.

Employee Collective Groups

Our employee collective groups bring together members across various groups (or share an interest in) similar experiences or backgrounds, enabling our people to network with colleagues in the same community, as well as strengthen relationships with others as allies and supporters. You’ll have an opportunity to join these groups when you article with us.


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