Serving Your Sentence

Last updated on June 9, 2021

If you are an adult convicted of committing a crime in B.C., you may be required to serve your sentence in the community, in custody or a combination of both.

Community Sentence

If you are required to serve all or part of your sentence in the community, you may be supervised by a probation officer and required to obey certain conditions set by the judge. 

Visit Serving a Community Sentence (Adult Offenders) to learn more.

Custody Sentence

If you are required to serve your sentence in custody, you will serve it in a provincial correctional centre or a federal correctional centre. Where you serve your sentence will depend on the length of time the judge has ordered you spend in custody. If your sentence is:

You may also be eligible for parole.

See Serving a Custody Sentence (Adult Offenders) to learn more.

More Information

See Serving a Youth Sentences (Youth Offenders) for learn more about serving a youth sentence.