Additional conditions – adult offenders

Last updated on November 21, 2024

When the judge orders your sentence, they can order that you follow certain conditions while you are under community supervision, which may follow a jail sentence. 

This section describes some conditions a judge might order as part of a sentence.

Restitution / compensation order

Restitution is compensation to the victim for the harm caused by the crime. Restitution involves paying the victim for direct losses, such as damage to property. In a criminal case, the judge decides if the restitution is appropriate as part of the sentence and whether you can pay within a certain period.

In some cases, the restitution is not paid directly to the victim, but is paid to the court, which then pays the victim. If you do not pay the restitution ordered, you could be charged with another offence. Victims can also file civil lawsuits for compensation for harm they have suffered as a result of a crime. Taking that step does not involve the criminal justice system.

If you have been ordered to pay restitution, you may wish to contact the Restitution Program to inquire about assistance with payment information, payment planning or payment reminders. For eligible restitution orders, the Restitution Program can facilitate payments (online, cheque or cash) and provide statements of restitution payment. Participating in the Restitution Program eliminates the need to contact the victim directly to pay restitution.

Applying to the Restitution Program for assistance

Do you have an unpaid restitution order? 

Is the restitution order part of an adult sentence? 

Was the restitution order issued by a criminal court in B.C.?

If you answered yes to these questions, you may apply to the Restitution Program.

Community service

If a judge orders community service as part of your sentence, you will be required to complete supervised community service for a certain number of hours, without pay, within a certain period of time. This is generally imposed as a part of a community supervision order. Some examples of community service work include helping in soup kitchens, food banks or at senior citizen centres. 

Community service benefits you, the victim and community. It allows you to give back to the community and gain work experience. If you are ordered to do community service work, it is important that you keep track of the hours worked by having the agency you work for report those hours to your probation officer.

No contact or no-go orders

You may be ordered not to contact the victim or other people, such as a co-accused, or to stay away from certain addresses or areas. For information about no contact and no-go conditions, see No Contact.

Criminal justice glossary

Check our alphabetical list of criminal justice terms along with their definitions.

Contact information

Restitution Program or restitution order questions? Contact the Restitution Program.

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