Registering Documents FAQ - Mineral Titles

Last updated on July 5, 2022

What does the code ‘ECUM’ mean in the list of events on a title?

The code ‘ECUM’ is short for encumbrance and means registration of documents.

For a full list of event codes, please visit MTO Help Guide - Event Codes


How do I found out more details about an encumbrance filed against a title?

If you wish to view more details about an encumbrance registered on a title you can search a title in Mineral Titles Online and view the encumbrance event details.

To request a copy of the encumbrance document, please contact Mineral Titles with the event number requesting a document search.

In the email provide:

  • your name
  • phone number
  • email address
  • event numbers and title numbers that the document is registered against

A document search costs $5.00 per document as per Schedule B of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation. 

Once the document has been retrieved, you will be contacted for payment prior to the document being sent. Our standard practice is to scan the document into PDF form and send by email.


What types of documents can be registered on a mineral title?

Most business documents related to a mineral title can be registered. Registration of a document is for public record only.

Types of documents may include:

  • builder’s liens
  • debentures
  • mortgages
  • option agreements
  • net smelter royalty agreements
  • court ordered documents
    • writ of seizure and sale
    • certificate of lis pendens (CLP)
    • certificate of pending litigation

Registration is at the discretion of the Chief Gold Commissioner.


How do I register a document or notice on a mineral or placer claim(s), or lease(s) and what do I need to provide?

Email a copy of the document or notice to for review to determine if is eligible to be registered, as per section 13 of the Mineral Tenure Act Regulation.  

To register a document submit the following with the request:

  • a copy of the document
  • list of title(s) in good standing
  • name of the recorded holder identified in the document*
  • registration fee of $10.00 per title
    •  Payment is by cash, or cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance

*You can request a document be registered on a title when you are not the recorded holder, and the recorded holder is not identified in the document if you demonstrate consent. Provide a copy of the recorded holder’s written consent.


How do I submit a claim of lien (builders lien) to the Mineral Titles branch

File the lien

  • Fill out the builder’s lien form from the branch website
    • The filing of a claim of lien (builders lien) is governed by section 18 of the Builders Lien Act
    • It is the responsibility of the lien claimant to ensure all requirements under the Builders Lien Act have been met.  Mineral Titles does not verify the validity of a claim of lien that has been submitted to the Chief Gold Commissioner for registration.


Removal of the lien


What is the cost for filing a builder’s lien and can I pay by credit card?

The cost for filing a lien is $10 per title.

Payment can be made either by:

  • cash
  • cheque
  • money order.

All cheques and money orders for recording fees are made payable to the "Minister of Finance".


Can I register an option agreement on a claim owned by another person?

An option agreement can be registered on a mineral title if the recorded holder consents to it.

Please provide a copy of the recorded holder’s written consent with your request to


If a property is optioned, can a contractor place a lien on the Optionor’s mining title(s) if the services are not paid?

Yes, if it is a builder’s lien. 

We recommend you consult legal advice when registering any type of lien on title.

Consult the Builders Lien Act for more information.