The Province of British Columbia hosts this strata housing website to provide some helpful basic information for strata council members, strata owners, strata renters and strata residents.
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Updates to the Province's strata housing website, with links to specific strata housing web-pages.
Updates to the Province's strata housing website (Dec 16, 2024)
Updated depreciation report requirements for strata corporations (July 1, 2024)
Effective July 1, 2024, the Province has strengthened depreciation report requirements by OIC 204-2024 (the OIC was deposited April 22, 2024). All strata corporations with five or more lots will be required to obtain depreciation reports on a five-year cycle. Strata corporations are no longer allowed to defer getting a depreciation report by an annual ¾ vote. As a transitional measure, strata corporations will have time to obtain depreciation reports. Effective July 1, 2025, depreciation reports must be obtained from one of six designated professions. Learn more at strata depreciation report requirements.
Electric Vehicle Charging and Electrical Management Regulation (December 6, 2023)
To support electric vehicle charging in strata corporations and to help strata corporations plan for additional demands on their electrical capacity, the Electric Vehicle Charging and Electric Management Regulation has been passed by Order-in-Council (OIC 671-2023) and has brought additional changes into effect by regulation.
These regulations:
Learn more on the updated webpages: electrical vehicle charging in strata corporations and electrical planning reports for strata corporations. Other Provincial strata housing webpages that have been updated include: the contingency reserve fund, types of voting, parking stalls and storage lockers and changes to strata legislation.
New Provincial short-term rental legislation (October 26, 2023)
On October 26, 2023, B.C. passed short-term rental legislation to: give local government stronger tools to enforce short-term rental bylaws; return short-term rental units to the long-term rental market; and establish a new Provincial role in regulating short-term rentals. The legislation and regulations will roll out in phases. Strata corporations can still have strata bylaws that limit or ban short-term rentals and levy fines of up to $1,000 a day.
Learn more on the Short-Term Rentals Accommodation Act webpage including an option to subscribe for updates and the updated strata housing short-term rental bylaw webpage.
Electric vehicle charging in strata corporations (May 11, 2023)
On May 11, 2023, B.C. made changes to the Strata Property Act to make it easier for strata corporations and owners to install electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in strata properties.
Some changes came into effect on May 11, 2023, including allowing a strata corporation to approve some EV charging decisions by a majority vote instead of by a ¾ vote.
Other changes will be brought into force at a later date by regulation. These regulations will specify criteria for strata corporations to obtain electrical planning reports and approve owners’ installation of EV charging.
Learn more in strata corporations and electric vehicle charging.
Additional exemptions to strata age-restricted bylaws (May 1, 2023)
Effective November 24, 2022, strata corporations in B.C. may only have an age-restriction bylaw for an age that is not less than 55 years with exemptions for some caregivers and residents previously residing. Effective May 1, 2023, additional exemptions have been made for children (including adult children), and younger spouses or partners as per OIC 276-2023. Please learn more in strata age-restriction bylaws.
Minimum annual contributions to the contingency reserve fund (effective November 1, 2023)
Effective November 1, 2023, when approving the budget at the annual general meeting, strata corporations and sections are legally required to contribute a minimum of 10% of the operating fund to the contingency reserve fund (CRF). Owner developers will also have to contribute more to the CRF for new strata developments. Please learn more on the webpages for the contingency reserve fund, new strata developments and changes to strata legislation.
April 1, 2023: Form B (Information Certificate) update
Effective April 1, 2023, strata corporations and sections will have to provide a summary of their insurance coverage on the Form B: Information Certificate. Please learn more on the webpages for Form B: Information Certificate and changes to strata legislation.
January 24, 2023: Province's strata housing website updated
The Provinces strata housing website was updated as strata legislation is now the responsibility of the new Ministry of Housing.
Webpages were also updated including changes to strata legislation, Form B: Information Certificate requiring a summary of the strata corporation and section's insurance (effective April 1, 2023) and new minimum annual contributions to the contingency reserve fund effective November 1, 2023. Minor updates reflecting the CRF changes were also for made for budgeting and strata fees and new strata developments.
November 28, 2022: Province's strata housing website updated
The Province's strata housing website (85+ web-pages) was updated to reflect strata legislation changes which became effective November 24, 2022. Changes include: adding an age-restriction bylaw webpage and removing the rental-restriction bylaw webpage. Pages which were substantively updated include: the voting process, changes to strata legislation, tenants in stratas, landlords in stratas and short-term rental bylaws for stratas. Another 15+ pages had minor updates including preparing for a general meeting and conducting a general meeting.
November 24, 2022: no strata rental-restriction bylaws allowed
Effective November 24, 2022, no strata rental-restriction bylaws are allowed. Please learn more about renting in stratas and in changes to strata legislation. Strata corporations and sections may still have bylaws that restrict or ban short-term rentals.
November 24, 2022: only 55+ age-restriction bylaws allowed
Effective November 24, 2022, only 55+ age-restriction strata bylaws are allowed. Please learn more in strata age-restriction bylaws and changes to strata legislation.
November 24, 2022: electronic participation in general meetings
Effective November 24, 2022, strata corporations may hold annual and special general meetings by electronic means or by a hybrid method, without needing to amend (create) a strata bylaw. (This was initially allowed during the Covid-19 pandemic and has now been enabled permanently). Please learn more in the voting process, preparing for a general meeting, conducting a general meeting and changes to strata legislation.
December 21, 2021: web-page correction
Clarified on the strata council meetings webpage that strata councils must inform strata owners residents as soon as feasible about upcoming strata council meetings.
Find it fast: a handy site map listing all the strata housing webpages.
Disclaimer: the information on this website about strata housing is provided for the user’s convenience as a basic starting point; it is not a substitute for getting legal advice. Learn more about the site’s purpose and limits.
The content on this website is periodically reviewed and updated by the Province of British Columbia as per the date noted at the top of each webpage.
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