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The "Form B: Information Certificate" discloses information about a strata lot and strata corporation. It is typically requested by potential buyers. It is important to use a current version of the Form B as it is regularly updated. As of April 1, 2023, a summary of the strata corporation's insurance coverage must be included.
Learn more on this page:
Requesting the Form B and fees
Preparing the Form B
Information disclosed
Documents attached
An owner, purchaser or person authorized by the owner or purchaser may request a Form B. The strata corporation is required to provide the Form B: Information Certificate within 7 days of a request.
The maximum a strata corporation can charge for a Form B is $35 plus up to 25 cents per page for copying including photocopying or other means of reproduction. Sometimes a rush fee is charged by the strata corporation or the strata property manager if the Form B is requested with less than 7 days notice.
An owner under the Strata Property Act is:
A purchaser under the Strata Property Act is a person who enters into an agreement to purchase a strata lot or to acquire a strata lot lease in a leasehold strata plan, but to whom the strata lot or strata lot lease has not yet been conveyed or assigned.
The Strata Property Act does not provide that the agreement to purchase a strata lot be unconditional or free of subjects.
If a strata corporation has sections created by the strata's bylaws, the person requesting the Form B should request a Form B from both the strata corporation and the relevant section.
The Form B is a prescribed form available in the Strata Property Regulation and the current form must be used. The strata corporation or section is responsible for providing the Form B upon request. However, under the Strata Property Act, the strata council is responsible for carrying out the duties of the strata corporation or section executive for a strata section.
If a strata corporation, or section, has employed a strata property manager, it is often the strata property manager who has the information necessary to complete the form. However, the strata council is responsible for directing the strata property manager. The information disclosed in the Form B is binding on the strata corporation and the requestor.
The following information with respect to the strata corporation and the strata lot must be disclosed and be current to the date on the Form B:
a. the monthly strata fees payable by the owner
b. any amount that the owner owes the strata corporation (other than an amount paid into court or to the strata corporation in trust)
c. any agreements by which the owner takes responsibility for expenses relating to alterations to a strata lot, the common property or the common assets
d. any amount that the owner is obligated to pay in the future for a special levy that has already been approved and the date by which the payment is to be made
e. any amount by which the expenses of the strata corporation for the current fiscal year are expected to exceed the expenses budgeted for the fiscal year;
f. the amount in the contingency reserve fund (CRF) minus any expenditures that have already been approved but not yet taken from the fund
g. any amendments to the bylaws that are not yet filed in the Land Title Office;
h. any resolution passed by a 3/4 vote or a unanimous vote that is required to be filed in the Land Title Office but that has not yet been filed in that office
h.1. any wind up (termination) resolution that has been passed
i. any notice that has been given for a resolution that has not been voted on, if the resolution requires a 3/4 vote, 80% vote or unanimous vote or deals with an amendment to the bylaws
j. any court proceeding, arbitration or tribunal proceeding, in which the strata corporation is a party and any judgments or orders against the strata corporation
k. any notices or work orders received by the strata corporation that remain outstanding for the strata lot, the common property or the common assets
I. As of November 24, 2022 this requirement is no longer applicable: the number of strata lots in the strata plan that are rented.
m. details about any parking stalls and storage lockers allocated to the strata lot and their numbers
n. details about any storage lockers allocated to the strata lot and their numbers
o. a summary of the strata corporation's insurance coverage (the strata corporation or section can provide a summary of the insurance coverage on a separate sheet or sheets).
And any other information required by the regulations.
The following documents must be attached to the Form B:
Strata Property Act: Sections 59, 114-116, 256
Regulations: 4.4, 6.10
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Disclaimer: the information on this website about strata housing is provided for the user’s convenience as a basic starting point; it is not a substitute for getting legal advice. Learn more about the site’s purpose and limits.
The content on this website is periodically reviewed and updated by the Province of British Columbia as per the date noted on each page: January 24, 2023.