Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment Model
The Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment Model was developed by the BC Ministry of Health in consultation with BC Family Doctors and Doctors of BC. An alternative to the fee-for-service model, the LFP payment model is a blended model to support physicians in family practice who provide longitudinal family medicine care. It was developed to:
It supports family physicians by compensating for time, patient interactions, and the number and complexity of patients in their practice. On February 1, 2023, eligible family physicians in BC who registered for the LFP Payment Model started billing under the LFP Payment Model.
Temporary LFP billing codes for the Provincial Attachment System (PAS) incentive payment , effective February 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024:
Temporary Billing Code, effective October 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025:
How to claim under the LFP the payment model
Obtain a Facility Number:
A Facility Number is not required to enroll in the LFP payment model; however, it is required to submit claims under the LFP payment model. Facility Numbers for diagnostic or Primary Care Organization (PCO) facilities should not be used for the LFP payment model.
Physicians can obtain the Facility Number from the Facility Administrator (the physician responsible for administration of the facility). Physicians are advised to confirm their Facility Number(s) as soon as possible to allow billing of LFP fee items as of February 1, 2023.
A Facility Number obtained for the Business Cost Premium (BCP) can also be used by one or more physicians to submit LFP claims. Using the facility code for LFP will not affect your use of the facility code for BCP.
If a facility does not have a Facility Number, the Facility Administrator must apply for a number by submitting the “Application for MSP Facility Number (New)” form. Each location must obtain a unique Facility Number.
Before completing the Application for MSP Facility Number (New):
Cancel or Change Details for a Facility
If there are any changes to the information for the facility after the application for a Facility Number has been submitted, the Facility Administrator must submit the “Application to Cancel or Change Details for Facilities with an MSP Facility Number” form.
Method of Withdrawal
Physicians can voluntarily withdraw from the LFP Payment Model and transition to another payment model at any time, but may not re-enroll for a period of 12 months unless approved in writing by the Medical Services Commission.
A physician who does not meet the eligibility criteria and is not providing the required Services as outlined in the LFP Payment Schedule must promptly withdraw from the LFP Payment Model.
To withdraw from the LFP Payment Model, please complete the form below and submit it to the Ministry of Health via mail or fax.