Informing before login

Last updated on March 9, 2022

You might want to inform individuals that they’ll be redirected to the B.C. government login website. Informing beforehand prepares for the transition to the B.C. government login website. This helps individuals know that they’re on the right track.

Two ways to inform individuals before your website sends them to the B.C. government login website are to:

  1. Use your login launch page – using the full-page approach, individuals are informed about being sent to your login launch page before login
  2. Use a modal (a popup) over a page on your website – using the modal approach, individuals are informed about being sent to log in using the B.C. government login website through a pop up message on your website



Example: Use your login launch page

In this example, an individual​:

  1. Starts on the School District 88 website and selects to log in
  2. Goes to the School District 88 website’s login launch page and selects to log in using a B.C. government login
  3. Goes to the B.C. government login website to log in and authenticate their identity
  4. Continues to secure content on the Benefits website



Example: Use a modal over a page on your website

In this example, an individual​:

  1. Starts on the Benefits website and selects to log in
  2. On the current page, a small message is displayed in an overlay to inform them they will be redirected to the B.C. government login website
  3. Goes to the B.C. government login website to log in and authenticate their identity
  4. Continues to secure content on the Benefits website
