British Columbia’s vibrant manufacturing sector is a key economic driver in the province. British Columbia has a long and proud heritage of producing a diverse array of high-quality, innovative goods that not only serve the needs of local communities, but are also in demand globally.
There are nearly 20,000 manufacturing businesses in B.C., many with decades-long legacies of excellence and international reach. Manufacturing contributes approximately $18 billion to B.C.’s gross domestic product (GDP) each year and accounts for over 6% of B.C.’s total GDP.
Manufacturing is also a significant employment driver. The sector sustains approximately 170,000 jobs and B.C.’s Labour Market Outlook projects over 50,000 new job openings in manufacturing over the next decade.
In addition to the direct jobs created by manufacturing, the sector supports a wide range of service areas including maintenance and repair, transportation and logistics, engineering, accounting, legal assistance, and more.
Manufacturing is also the foundation of B.C.’s exports. In fact, approximately 50% of B.C.’s exports are manufactured goods, with key markets including the U.S., China, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Australia.
Some of B.C.'s most notable manufacturing industries include:
B.C. offers an array of advantages for manufacturers, including:
The Manufacturing Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy to grow B.C.’s manufacturing sector by strengthening our industrial competitiveness and capitalizing on our industries of highest opportunity through five strategic policy pillars:
In collaboration with over 50 partners including industry associations, manufacturing businesses, Indigenous organizations, and government departments, the Manufacturing Action Plan has been developed to address the sector’s critical needs and positively impact workers province-wide.
Download the Manufacturing Action Plan (PDF, 7.5MB) to learn more.
The Manufacturing Action Plan also aligns with other key provincial initiatives:
B.C. manufacturers have access to a wide range of programs and resources that can enhance growth and competitiveness.
Productivity & Innovation
Clean Manufacturing & Net-Zero Readiness
Workforce & Talent
Accessing New Markets
Developing Industrial Land