BC Major Projects Inventory

Last updated on January 31, 2025

The BC Major Projects Inventory (MPI), published quarterly, provides summary information on major projects in the Province of British Columbia. The MPI lists private and public sector construction projects in B.C. with an estimated capital cost of $15 million (Can.) or greater.

Visit our About the MPI page for more information.

Major Projects Inventory Q3 2024 Issue:

Major Projects Inventory Q2 2024 Issue:

What is the MPI?

The MPI is a listing of private and public sector construction projects in the Province of British Columbia. 

The MPI lists construction projects in B.C. valued at $15 million or greater ($20 million or greater in the Lower Mainland) including a status category: Proposed, Under Construction, Completed, or On Hold. Project information is obtained from public and private information sources.

While effort is made to maintain a comprehensive project listing that includes the most current information, it is important to note that projects are constantly being added and re-evaluated by industry. Not all major projects are included in the MPI: projects must be known to be included, and some project information is not published for reasons of confidentiality. 

For more information on the BC Major Projects Inventory, please email EconomicDevelopment@gov.bc.ca

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BC Major Projects Inventory

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