Inclusive education resources

Last updated on January 20, 2025

Update: Language Modernization of the Inclusive Education Policy Manual

On July 1, 2024, Ministerial Orders and several policies and government documents pertaining to supports and services for students with disabilities or diverse abilities were amended to include more inclusive terminology. As part of this language modernization initiative, the ministry has updated the language within the Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines and renamed the document as Inclusive Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines. Please note that these language modernization changes do not alter the policy intent of any Ministerial Orders, policies, the Inclusive Education Policy Manual, other ministry guidance documents or the interpretation or application of K-12 collective agreements and contracts.

Our vision is to provide inclusive and responsive learning environments that recognize the value of diversity and provide equity of access, opportunity and outcome for all students including students with disabilities or diverse abilities.

On this page

Ministerial orders and policies supporting inclusive education

Education ministerial orders and policies provide regulated learning standards that promote student success and achievement.

Programs, resources and guidelines for inclusive education


Individual Education Plan (IEP)

School Districts/Independent School Authorities have the autonomy to develop their own IEP template or choose the SMART Goal Template, or Competency Based IEP Template found on MyEducation BC. Specific templates are not mandated as long as the goals used have measurable outcomes.



Provincial Resource and Programs (PRPs) are specialized education programs and services that support equitable and accessible education for all students in B.C. These programs are funded by the Ministry of Education and Child Care and operated through the administrative oversight of host school districts.

  • PRP Handbook is currently being updated and will be available soon 

PRPs are grouped into two types of programs:

  1. Provincial Outreach Programs (POPs) provide outreach services to support educators, students, families and community to effectively respond to the needs of students with disabilities and diverse abilities; or
  2. Provincial Inter-ministerial Programs (PIPs) provide an educational program for school age children and youth while attending:
    1. A program established and operated through a provincial ministry or authority such as, hospital, mental health, substance use, or custody program; or
    2. A full-time program, that receives inter-ministerial funding or support, in a centralized provincial center with a specific focus 
  • PRP Catalogue is currently being updated and will be available soon

CommunityLINK (Learning Includes Nutrition and Knowledge) provincial funding is provided to school districts to support academic achievement and social functioning of vulnerable students. Programs and services can include breakfast, lunch and snack programs, academic supports, counseling, youth workers and after-school programs.

In addition to CommunityLINK funding, school districts receive an Equity of Opportunity Supplement that provides funding to support additional services to students by recognizing children and youth in care, children and youth receiving nonclinical mental health supports and low-income families in the school district.


School Completion Certificate (Evergreen)

The School Completion (“Evergreen”) Certificate is intended to celebrate success in learning that is not recognized in a Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma). It is used to recognize the accomplishments of students with special needs and an Individual Education Plan, who have met the goals of their education program, other than graduation.

It is important that students and their parents clearly understand that the Evergreen represents the completion of personal learning goals but does not represent graduation.


Videos Supporting Inclusion

Children and youth in care

Ensuring children and youth in care (CYIC) have a positive educational experience is the shared responsibility of government, educators, parents/guardians/caregivers and the community.

The Joint Planning Guidelines identify how to provide wraparound support that is continuous and consistent for CYIC:

Cross-agency information sharing and collaboration can be beneficial for the safety and well-being of CYIC. A Guide was created to help understand what CYIC information can be shared under the current legislation:

The First Nations Leadership Council, First Nations Education Steering Committee and the Province of B.C. signed the First Nations Children and Youth in Care Protocol that outlines the commitment of all parties to improving educational outcomes of First Nations children and youth in care.

English Language Learners

An English Language Learning student is defined as a student enrolled in a B.C. school who needs additional English language development support in order to access the provincially mandated curriculum and succeed in the academic environment.

​Refugees and newcomers

Families who arrive in B.C. as refugees have overcome great obstacles and adversity. Awareness and understanding of the backgrounds and needs of students with refugee experience, in addition to their strengths and cultural differences, can help them succeed at school.
