Resources for teachers

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Educators can use these tools to support Kindergarten to Grade 12 program instruction, continue along their own education pathway, or connect with their colleagues.

On this page

Training and teaching tools

Training & Professional Development

Training and professional development

Find ways to improve your skills as an educator and continue your education

Curriculum & Assessment

Curriculum and assessment

Discover the essential learning, literacy and numeracy foundations, and core competencies that are the base of our new curriculum. All three contribute to deeper learning

Inclusive education

Access tools and resources designed to provide learning support for students with diverse abilities 

Indigenous education

Teach Indigenous history and culture in a variety of fun and exciting ways

Global & Intercultural Skills Pilot (GISP) 

GISP promotes opportunities for and recognizes the development of intercultural skills and global competence by British Columbia students

Student safety and wellness  

Find resources to help support student's mental and physical health

English language learning 

Access the updated English language learning policy and guidelines

Digital literacy

Learn about the Digital Literacy Framework

Teaching Tools

Historical archive

Older curriculum documents, that can be used for inspiration in the classroom

Premier's Awards 

Premier's Awards for Excellence in Education

Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education

Explore the Premier’s Awards, which provide students, parents, teachers and other members of the community with an opportunity to celebrate those who make a real difference in B.C. schools