CommunityLINK (Learning Includes Nutrition and Knowledge) funding is designed to support the academic achievement and social functioning of vulnerable students. Programs and services can include breakfast, lunch and snack programs, academic supports, counseling, youth workers and after-school programs.
On this page:
The ministry provides CommunityLINK funding (PDF) to all 60 school districts to support the academic achievement and social functioning of vulnerable students. Programs and services can include breakfast, lunch and snack programs, academic supports, counseling, youth workers and after-school programs.
Decisions about specific programs and services are left to school boards so that the needs of individual students and local communities are met. Each school district has a designated staff member in the CommunityLINK coordinator role.
Your district's 2022/23 CommunityLINK outcome report is to be submitted to us by November 1, 2023 through our CommunityLINK Annual Report web form. This form provides a streamlined, secure mechanism to collect CommunityLINK data. The web form does not have a save capability and a CommunityLINK Annual Report working document (DOCX) has been provided for districts to plan prior to submitting.
Partner with these programs and organizations to enhance the nutrition programs at your school.
This non-profit organization provides food and equipment for breakfast and snack programs at B.C. schools.
A non-profit organization that supports community-based breakfast programs for vulnerable school children and youth.
Funded by dairy farmers of B.C., this not-for-profit organization delivers nutrition education and school milk programs to schools.
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