Coaching, conflict management and management consulting services, and performance development conversations

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Performance Development conversations, coaching, conflict management and management consulting services can help you set goals, maximize results and increase employee engagement.

On this page

Performance Development conversations

Performance Development is how the BC Public Service supports the relationship between employee and supervisor.

As a supervisor, your role is essential for productive and empowering conversations.

Review Performance Development for more information.

Coaching and conflict management services

Coaching services assists leaders of BC Public Service employees to increase the engagement, effectiveness and trust of their team.

Review Coaching services for more information, or submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request using the categories My Team or Organization > Coaching & Performance Development > Coaching Services.

Conflict management assists clients in managing workplace conflict by using interest-based conflict resolution process, as opposed to rights-based processes such as grievances.

They do this by focusing on problem solving, effective communication and preserving relationships in the workplace. 

Review Conflict management services for more information, or submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request using the categories My Team or Organization > Workplace Disputes and Conflict > Conflict Management Services.

Management consulting services for executives

The Management Consulting Team in the BC Public Service Agency helps executives in the provincial public sector improve the effectiveness of their organizations.

Review Management consulting services for executives for more information.