Coaching services

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Coaching services is a centre of excellence for coaching in the workplace.

Supported by a coach network, the coaching services team delivers a range of services that support leadership development and systemic change.

Are you a certified coach? Looking for opportunities to coach others?

We are recruiting!

Visit the coach network to learn more about joining. 

On this page

What is coaching?

Coaching is an approach to working and interacting with other people. It requires adopting a specific mindset and skillset that strengthens leadership capabilities, interpersonal skills and capacity to understand challenges, resulting in more informed choices and greater influence, understanding and empathy towards others. 

As more people use a coaching approach, there is a broader impact on services and organizational culture. Coaching helps to create a culture in which people listen, demonstrate care and compassion, stay open to other perspectives and possibilities and achieve higher performance and fuller potential. 

Benefits of coaching

There are many benefits to providing access to coaching services and training leaders to use a coaching approach:    

  • Increases employee engagement and improves performance
  • Strengthens leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Accelerates development of leaders and high potential employees
  • Supports succession planning and organizational change
  • Fosters a culture of psychological safety and innovation

"I have been able to start to build my leadership team based on foundations that my coach taught me. I promote the coaching services any chance that I get when I am working with new supervisors. I found the services to be one of the most positive learning experiences that I have had" (Senior Inspector, Ministry of Attorney General).

Available services

Coaching services offers a range of services to assist you, your team, or your organization:

  • Organizational coaching: Partner with an organizational coaching consultant to add coaching to existing HR programs and achieve your strategic objectives, enhance leadership capability and create cultural change
  • Leadership coaching: Partner with a coach to accelerate your leadership development and increase your confidence and competence in managing day-to-day challenges and opportunities
  • Team coaching: Engage your whole team in a coaching process to accelerate team development and improve team cohesion and performance
  • Group coaching: Engage in peer coaching with a small group of leaders around a common topic to accelerate your development and improve your coaching skills
  • Coaching skills training: Take your coaching skills to the next level by registering for coaching services training courses available through the LearningHub

About coaching services

The coaching services team is a group of certified coaches and dedicated HR professionals, each with over 10 years experience coaching and training leaders in the BC Public Service.

Learn more about the coaching services team.

The coaching services team manage and support the coach network, through providing training, advice, coach mentoring and coach supervision.

The coach network is a group of employees from across the BC Public Service who are committed to providing high quality coaching services to other employees, as part of, or in addition to, their regular job responsibilities.

Learn more about the coach network and how to join the network.

Request coaching services

To request support from coaching services, or, to learn more about our services:

Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request:

  • Select My Team/Organization > Coaching & Performance Development > Coaching Services
  • Contact us at 1-877-277-0772 (toll free)

If you're a B.C. government employee without an IDIR, contact the BC Public Service Agency to submit your service request.