Project No. 17067-0001

Last updated on August 22, 2024

Highway 17 Ravine Way Transit and Active Transportation Improvements Project 

Submission for Tenders Expires: September 18, 2024

Project Number: 17067-0001

Contract ID: 17067MJ0001

Location: The Site is located along Carey Road and Ravine Way in Saanich and comprises Carey Road from Highway 1 to Ravine way, and Ravine way from Carey Road to Vernon Avenue (Highway 17 NB). 

Description: The Work involves most common aspects of highway construction including: mobilization, traffic management, quality management, clearing and grubbing, pavement milling and removal, organic stripping, roadway and drainage excavation, embankment construction, municipal storm main, water works, and utility adjustment; supply and placement of granular materials, paving, concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, bus pads, and traffic island, traffic signals, signing, bus shelters, MUP construction and signing.



Document Description


Environmental Overview Assessment - Environmental Support Services for the Highway 17 Saanich Uptown Mobility Hub


Environment Management Plan – Highway 17 Saanich Uptown Mobility Hub