Submission for Tenders Expires: January 16, 2025
Project Number: 13254-0004
Contract ID: 13254MJ0004
Location: The approximate Highway 1 project limits extend from Landmark Kilometre Index (LKI) Segment 0520 km 18.20 to km 18.66 and Segment 0522 km 0.00 to km 0.34.
Description: Relocate two fibre optic lines, clearing, organic stripping, and leveling the site, and installation and monitoring of geotechnical instrumentation at two test fills to collect geotechnical data for future Highway 1 widening and Highway 11 interchange. Work includes but is not limited to the following: Traffic Management, Quality Management, Protection of the Environment, Survey and layout, Clearing and Grubbing, Roadway and Drainage Excavation, and Removal of existing works.