Urgent driver's licence reviews

Last updated on January 17, 2025

RoadSafetyBC can cancel your driver’s licence if you have a medical condition that puts the public at risk.

We'll review a driver's file when we receive reliable evidence they have a medical condition that affects their ability to drive.


Urgent Cancellation Decision

RoadSafetyBC will cancel a driver's licence immediately if we receive:

  • A current and reliable report of a serious medical issue affecting a driver’s fitness to drive, and
  • Reliable evidence of an urgent road safety risk

This is called an Urgent Cancellation which you will receive by mail.

If we've urgently cancelled your licence, you have 21 days from the date of the letter to ask us to reconsider our decision. We don't give extensions.

Request a reconsideration

To request reconsideration of a licence cancellation decision within the 21-day period:

  1. Review the information in our decision letter
  2. Tell us in writing why we should reconsider our decision
  3. Include copies of any updated medical information
  4. Title your submission “Urgent Driver’s Licence Cancellation Reconsideration Request-Driver Medical Fitness,” so our staff can identify it as a priority
  5. Fax or mail it to RoadSafetyBC

Your licence stays cancelled while the reconsideration is underway.

Once the reconsideration is complete, we'll provide you with a written decision by regular mail. You’re responsible for ensuring your mailing address is correct. Please contact us to confirm it.

You must not drive while your cancellation is under review. Driving without a valid licence is illegal. It carries a minimum fine of $500 for a first offence, a 12-month prohibition and possible imprisonment.

If you are unable to provide information within the 21 days, you may still request a review of the cancellation by providing us updated medical information should your health improve.

Please note: We may not treat a review request sent after the 21-day limit as a priority.

There is no fee for a review.


Notice to Cancel

RoadSafety can issue a Notice to Cancel when the threshold for an Urgent Cancellation Decision haven't been met.

If we've given you a notice, you have 30 days from its date to send us more information about your fitness to drive. After reviewing it, we'll let you know in writing if we have cancelled your licence.

If you send no information, we'll cancel your licence and let you know in writing.

Request a review

You can ask us to review our decision to cancel your licence if you can give us medical evidence your health has improved.

Enclose everything you want us to consider, including your updated medical information and fax or mail it to us.

Please note: We may not treat a review request sent after the 30-day limit as a priority.


 Urgent Assessment and Request for Further Information

RoadSafetyBC can issue an Urgent Assessment or a Request for Further Information. We can do this when the threshold for an Urgent Cancellation Decision or Notice to Cancel hasn't been met.

We may need you to:

Timelines for meeting these requirements are unique to each case and are in the letter we send you. Any medical fitness decisions we make will also be sent to you in writing.

If we cancel your licence, you'll also receive a notice from ICBC.

If you do not comply with the requirements, such as providing a Driver's Medical Examination Report or a road test, your licence will be cancelled until you comply.