Reporting a driver’s medical fitness

Last updated on January 17, 2025

RoadSafetyBC welcomes unsolicited reports about a person's medical fitness to drive. We give them high priority because they help keep B.C.'s roads safe.

Medical professionals: If you're a medical professional who wants to report a driver, learn how by visiting Reporting a patient who may be unfit to drive.

A person with firsthand knowledge of a driver's medical fitness can make a written report, but it must include:

  • The driver's full name
  • Other identifying information, and
  • Details about the driver's medical fitness to drive

If possible, it should also include the driver's licence number.

We do not accept anonymous or verbal reports, so your written report must include your full name and contact information.

Where to send your report

Fax your report to the Driver Fitness Unit at 250-952-6888 or send it by regular mail to:

PO Box 9254, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J2

What happens next

After receiving a report we'll contact the driver. Depending on the report and a review of the driver's record we may ask them for a:

  • Vision test
  • Functional driving assessment
  • Medical or other examination

We'll then decide whether we need to restrict or cancel the driver's licence.


We'll place an unsolicited report in a driver's file. We don't release the report to the driver. But they may learn we've received one if we ask them about a medical condition or for an assessment.

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a driver can ask us for a copy of their file. We'll consult with the author of an unsolicited report before providing the driver the file.

We can't disclose to anyone other than the driver or their authorized representative what actions we took, if any.