Contact RoadSafetyBC

Last updated on June 25, 2024

RoadSafetyBC often receives enquiries meant for other agencies. To serve you better, please:

Contact ICBC about:

  • Driver's licences
  • Insurance and accident claims
  • Driver training, testing and licensing, including the Graduated Licensing Program
  • Licensing fees
  • Penalty points and traffic offences
  • Abstracts and vehicle histories

Contact the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure about:

Contact RoadSafetyBC's Intersection Safety Program about intersection safety cameras (sometimes called red light cameras.)

Contact your local police about enforcement of traffic laws.

Contact information

When you send RoadSafetyBC paperwork, please include your licence number, current address and phone number.

Contact information

Local calling within Greater Victoria Phone
Administrative Driving Prohibitions Fax
Driver Medical Fitness Documents Fax
Responsible Driver Program Documents Fax
We would appreciate your feedback on your experience on the RoadSafetyBC portal(s), including Driver portal, Medical Portal, or Partner Portal as they may apply. Please send us an email and we will respond as best as we can.
In order to protect your privacy, we cannot discuss anything regarding personal files or information through email. Please reach us by phone, fax or mail.
RoadSafetyBC Address
PO Box 9254, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J2