Do you have questions about gambling registration and certification in B.C.? Are you looking for contact information to send supporting documents related to a gambling registration or certification application?
If you have questions about applying for gambling registration or certification or you are wondering about an application you submitted, try the following resources.
These links provide detailed how-to-apply information and as well as links to related documents and forms. Please take some time to review this information before contacting us by phone:
If you can't find the answer you're looking for in the information at the links above, email or call us using the information under Email and phone contacts.
To ask questions about gambling registration or certification by email or phone, use the following addresses and phone numbers.
Email (general):
Email (gambling services providers only):
Email (gambling/gaming workers & lottery retailers only):
Phone (Victoria): 250-387-5311
Toll Free within Canada/USA: 1-800-663-7867 (ask to be transferred to the number above)
We do not have a reception area. Use the following addresses to mail or courier documents related to your gambling registration or certification.
Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch
3rd Floor, 910 Government Street
Victoria, B.C. V8W 1X3
Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch
PO Box 9202, Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J1
Apply for a gambling event licence, check your application status, register as a gambling worker or report gambling wrongdoing.
Contact the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch if you have questions about gambling registration or certification in B.C.