Gambling Services Providers registration

Last updated on July 10, 2024

All gambling industry services providers (people and companies) in British Columbia must be registered to ensure that high standards of honesty, integrity, and financial responsibility are met.

Learn more:


Who Needs to be Registered? All gambling industry services providers in B.C. must be registered with the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch including, but not limited to:
  • Casino, bingo, and community gambling centre services providers
  • Horse racing operators and horse racing teletheatre operators
  • Gambling suppliers, manufacturers, or distributors
  • Other gambling related suppliers or services, including gambling management services, concessionaires, games operators, security, surveillance, ticket rafflers and call centres, social occasion casino operators, game test labs, providers of training of gambling workers, and automated banking services providers
  • Companies that are associates of a gambling services provider (parent, shareholder, investor, lender, subsidiary, etc.)

Gambling services provider registration is closely related to other types of gambling registration and certification in B.C. Find out more at Gambling Workers or Lottery Retailers or Gambling Supplies.

Registration Period Up to five (5) years
Application Submit by mail
Processing Fee Varies depending on category of services. The processing fee is non-refundable. See the Registration Fee Schedule (PDF).

How to Apply

Click below to see information about each step of the gambling services provider registration process. Click "expand all" if you want to see all of the steps or if you want to print this page.


Step 1: Before you start

The registration process includes a thorough background investigation of the company and its senior officials, including but not limited to criminal records checks and financial integrity checks.

Bingo or casino operators must have an operational service agreement with the BC Lottery Corporation as a condition of registration.

As a registered gambling services provider B.C. you must comply with terms and conditions and rules and policies outlined in the application form(s) and related documents. See the following documents for more information:

Additional information (additional requirements, changes to requirements, etc.) is sometimes communicated to gambling services providers in letters. See Resources - B. Letters to Gambling Services Providers below. 

Gambling services provider registration is closely related to other types of gambling registration and certification in B.C. Find out more at Gambling Workers or Lottery Retailers or Gambling Supplies. If you aren't sure which type of registration applies to you, contact us. See Questions & Contact Information.


Step 2: Start and submit your application

Download, print, and complete the appropriate form(s) below. Completed forms should be submitted according to the instructions located within, or by using the contact information located on the Questions & Contact Information page.

Ancillary service providers (building or equipment maintenance, janitorial, concession, promotional, etc.) use:

Gambling facility operators (casinos, community gambling centres, horse racing, equipment manufacturers, etc.) use:

Supplementary or mandatory forms that may be required in addition to those above. For senior employees and officials and landlords associated with gambling services providers:


Step 3: Wait for your application to be processed

You should expect to be contacted by a Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch investigator.

If you have questions about your application you can phone or send an email.

Email (gambling services providers only):
Phone (Victoria): 250 356-0663
Toll-free within B.C.: 1 800 663-7867 ask to be transferred to the number above

Applications that are denied may be eligible for written reply.


Additional information, documents, and forms related to gambling services provider registration are available in this section. Click below to see more information about these resources. Click "expand all" if you want to see all of the information or if you want to print this page.


A. Terms, Conditions & Standards

As a registered gambling services provider B.C. you must comply with terms and conditions and standards outlined in the application form(s) and related documents.


B. Letters to Gambling Services Providers (changes, etc.)


C. Audit Information

This document provides information about what to expect during an audit of a commercial gambling facility or a corporate audit of a service provider or BCLC.


D. Forms

Forms related to gambling services provider registration. These forms are also available in the How to Apply section above.

Ancillary service providers (building or equipment maintenance, janitorial, concession, promotional, etc.) use:

Gambling facility operators (casinos, community gambling centres, horse racing, equipment manufacturers, etc.) use:

Supplementary or mandatory forms that may be required in addition to those above. For senior employees and officials and landlords associated with gambling services providers:


E. Appeal a Decision (Written Reply)

Gambling registration applications that are denied may be eligible for written reply.

Contact information

Contact the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch if you have questions about gambling registration or certification in B.C.