What should I do if I am not in immediate danger but I am still worried about my safety?

Last updated on February 20, 2025

You are not alone. Help is available.

If you are afraid for your safety or the safety of your children, but you are not in immediate danger you can:

  • Ask the police for a peace bond
  • Apply for a family law protection order

The Legal Aid BC's Abuse & Family Violence web pages explain how and when people can apply for peace bonds and family law protection orders, and what the differences are between them.

Call VictimLinkBC. The line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. VictimLink provides confidential service in all of the major languages spoken in British Columbia.

Through VictimLink, you will be referred to a victim services worker in your community, who can tell you how to get a protection order and refer you to other community resources.

You can ask the victim services worker to help you develop a personal safety plan. A safety plan is made up of steps you can take to reduce the risks that you and your child (or children) face because of a violent situation.

A family justice counsellor can tell you about protection orders. You may also want to see a lawyer for legal advice.

Please note: If you have a speech or hearing impairment, you can contact the police or VictimLinkBC by calling the 24-hour Message Relay Centre at 711 (TTY/VCO telephone) or 1-800-855-0511 (regular telephone).

In an Emergency

Dial 911 in an emergency. If your community does not have 911 services, call your local police.

Legal Help and Advice

Check out these resources from Legal Aid BC:

Visit a Justice Access Centre:

Talk with a family justice counsellor at a Family Justice Centre.

Other Legal Resources
International Child Abduction

British Columbia has a central authority that assists left-behind parents whose children have been abducted across international borders.