Forest Investment Program

Last updated on March 17, 2025

Forests are essential to our quality of life. They are vital to First Nations, provide jobs, support the economy, provide habitat for fish and wildlife, and mitigate climate change. Under the Forest Investment Program (FIP), the province and its partners currently invest around $95 million a year to keep B.C. forests healthy and resilient.

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Forest Investment Program Overview

In 2021, the province committed to a consolidated FIP. This program combines incremental government-led forest investments previously managed by the Forest Carbon Initiative and the Forests for Tomorrow program. Every year since its inception, more than 40 million trees have been planted and over 30,000 hectares of forest have received a forest nutrient application. 

The framework is designed to plan, deliver, and report on investments across several funding sources, including funds from outside the ministry. The structure allows the province to better plan, direct, and manage its investments in reforestation, forest nutrient management, and other activities. These activities advance partnerships with First Nations and help: 

  • Enhance forest resiliency
  • Mitigate climate change
  • Restore ecosystems and wildlife habitat
  • Improve accountability to the public and program partners


FIP is following a strategy that describes the goals, objectives, and key activities for the fiscal years 2023/24 – 2025/26. 

Forest Investment Program Strategy (PDF, 512KB)

Funding Criteria 

FIP develops funding criteria that describes how funding decisions are made by the program. The criteria are based on carefully employing reforestation, forest nutrient management, and other silviculture treatments to: 

  • meet the goals within the FIP strategy
  • meet provincial goals
  • meet federal agreements
  • respond to catastrophic events
  • achieve climate change mitigation benefits 

These criteria relate to priorities of FIP within the context of the provincial and federal funding partners and their combined goals, priorities, and mandates. The document provides the main criteria for use in developing, evaluating, and reporting on projects to be delivered through FIP.

Forest Investment Program Funding Criteria (PDF, 588KB) 

Other Forest Investment Program Pages

State of Forest Investment Report

The State of Forest Investment Report is an annual publication that highlights investments in forest economies and environmental stewardship activities. These investments are crucial to the ministry’s mandate and contribute to the sustainable management of environmental values.

State of Forest Investment Report

Practice Standards

FIP sets standards which act as practice requirements for activities funded by the program. Any party delivering work under FIP must follow the applicable standards.

Forest Investment Program Practice Standards

Reporting Standards

FIP funded activities must be reported into the Reporting Silviculture Updates and Land Status Tracking System per reporting standards and information submission specifications.  

Forest Investment Program Reporting Standards