The Forest Investment Program (FIP) sets standards which act as practice requirements for activities funded by the program. Any party delivering work under FIP must follow the applicable practice standards.
The FIP General Standards are applicable to all activities carried out under FIP. They are the overarching standards and definitions that apply to all FIP activity standards. This means they apply to all investments funded by FIP.
Forest Investment Program General Standards (PDF, 1.6MB)
The FIP Planting Standards are applicable to all planting activities funded under FIP. This document is in addition to the Forest Investment Program General Standards.
Forest Investment Program Planting Standards (PDF, 500KB)
The FIP Forest Nutrient Management Standards are applicable to all forest nutrient management activities funded under FIP. This document is in addition to the Forest Investment Program General Standards.
Forest Investment Program Forest Nutrient Management Standards (PDF, 1.4MB)