Forests for Tomorrow

Last updated on March 13, 2025

The Forests For Tomorrow (FFT) Program was established in 2005 to respond to the catastrophic wildfires and mountain pine beetle epidemic. The program worked to restore healthy forests and to mitigate the impacts wildfire and insect outbreaks while also creating economic opportunities for forestry and bioenergy production.

In 2021, the Ministry of Forests committed to a consolidated Forest Investment Program. This program combines incremental government-led forest investments previously managed by the Forests for Tomorrow program and the Forest Carbon Initiative. Learn more about the Forest Investment Program.

These actions helped keep carbon out of the atmosphere and store more carbon in B.C.’s forests. Review the FFT booklet for more information on the delivery and accomplishment of the FFT program.

Current Reforestation

The current reforestation investment under FFT was aimed at improving the future timber supply and addressing risks to other forest values through the re-establishment of young forests on land that would otherwise remain under-productive. The program focused on land that was primarily within the timber harvesting land base yet outside of forest industry obligations.

Program emphasis is on surveying, site preparation and tree planting with these treatments being guided by strategic level program planning, seed supply planning, silviculture strategies and timber supply analyses. The up-front overview surveys and program planning were intended to formulate a clear and full picture of a cost-effective program and budget profile.

Timber Supply Mitigation

Investments in Timber Supply Mitigation under FFT were focused on mitigating impacts on mid-term timber supply caused by catastrophic disturbance in the interior or constrained timber on coastal, northwest, and southeast areas of the province through a program of stand treatments.

Forest and Range Practices Act Section 108 (FRPA s108)

FRPA s108 is legislation that provides funding to a licensee to conduct silviculture activities on areas that have suffered damage during a catastrophic event such as a fire. Under this legislation the licensee may apply for funding or relief of obligation through RESULTS.

Planning and Delivery

Planning was done by Regional and District staff in conjunction with licensees. The planning process, timelines, annual activities and targets were identified in the Land Based Investment Strategy. Delivery was completed by various delivery agents utilizing the following government standards.