BC Timber Sales - Seedling Services

Last updated on January 13, 2025

BCTS Seedling Services manages BCTS' seed inventory and the production of seedlings for government-funded reforestation while also providing advice and guidance for seedling use in reforestation practices.

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Reforestation is a key element supporting our principle of sustainable forest management. Once a timber sale licence area has been harvested, the responsibility of the stewardship returns to BCTS where the planning for reforestation is already underway.

Harvested areas are replanted with an ecologically suitable mix of tree species more resilient to natural threats, drought, and climate change. This reforestation effort requires a very large number of tree seedlings. BC Timber Sales manages the production and delivery of over 80 million seedlings annually, serving our own program needs and those of the Ministry of Forests including the Forest Investment Program.

Each year BCTS manages the planting of over 40 million seedlings and recently celebrated the planting of our one billionth (1,000,000,000) tree.

tree planters working a cut block in northern bc

Our responsibility as forest stewards doesn’t end with the planting of a seedling. BCTS monitors the health of these young stands until they are determined to be “free growing”.

This past year, Seedling Services led the way in reducing single use plastic from seedling packaging. This initiative has resulted in a reduction of approximately 16,000 kg of plastic from the supply chain. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 355 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to taking 109 passenger vehicles off the road. Read more about this initiative (PDF, 270KB).

Learn more about the technical aspects of BCTS Seedling Services

Our seedlings are used for all B.C. government-funded reforestation programs through cost effective and competitively awarded contracts.

Seedling Delivery Inspections Standard Operating Procedures (PDF, 417KB)

Selecting the right seedling

There is no universal seedling. Each replanted area may require a unique selection of seedlings best suited to thrive in that particular location.

Seedlings and reforestation practices advice and guidance:

tree seedlings growing at a bc nursery

Seed and seedling prices

British Columbia’s forests and tree species are diverse. Understanding genetic diversity and producing tree seedlings selected for faster growth, pest resistance, and better wood quality is strengthening future timber supply, without the need for genetic engineering.