Northern and Isolation Travel Assistance Outreach Program

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The Northern & Isolation Travel Assistance Outreach Program (NITAOP) provides funding for approved physicians who visit eligible rural and isolated communities to provide medical services.

B.C.'s regional health authorities submit yearly funding requests to Rural Practice Programs. Once approved, visiting physicians are contacted by the health authorities and outreach visits are organized.

Reimbursement will be paid directly to approved visiting physicians by MSP upon receipt of the Application for Expenses form (PDF, 524KB) and applicable original receipts for each visit. Application for expenses must be received 90 days after the last day of travel. For a comprehensive guide to accommodation policy and procedure, please see the NITAOP Accommodation Guide.

For more information, see Northern and Isolation Travel Assistance Outreach Program Policy (PDF, 60KB). This provides program information regarding community and specialty eligibility, application for funding, reimbursement and accountability.

Rural Practice Programs NITAOP Secure Upload Tool 

Contact information

Rural Practice Programs
Ministry of Health
PO Box 9649
Victoria, BC V8W 9P4

Phone:     250 952-2754