Rural Recruitment

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The following rural recruitment programs are available to assist and facilitate the recruitment of physicians to rural communities under the Rural Practice Subsidiary Agreement (RSA).

Recruitment Incentive Fund

Under the subsidiary agreement, physicians who are recruited to fill current or pending vacancies in eligible rural communities receive an incentive from $5,000 - $20,000. The incentive is not available for physicians already practicing in a rural community who may wish to move to another eligible rural area.

As part of the Recruitment Incentive Fund (RIF), B.C.'s health authorities and physicians will work together to develop physician supply plans in communities covered by the agreement.

Health authorities must submit the Recruitment Incentive benefit form (PDF, 530KB) to the Rural Practice Programs office.

Please see the Recruitment Incentive Fund Policy (PDF, 96KB) for information on eligibility criteria, communities, funding and benefits, as well as the application process.

Recruitment Contingency Fund

The Rural Practice Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) provides an annual fund to assist eligible communities with recruiting expenses, in the event of difficulty in filling a vacancy. Grants from the Recruitment Contingency Fund (RCF) fund may be used to increase the incentive benefit for a new physician or for recruiting expenses. Health authorities should submit the Recruitment Contingency Fund application (PDF, 645KB) to the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues c/o the Rural Practice Programs.

Please see the Recruitment Contingency Fund Policy (PDF, 156KB) for information on eligibility criteria, communities, funding and benefits, as well as the application process.

Practice Ready Assessment - Physicians for BC

In consultation with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia and Health Match BC, PRA-BC assists applicants through an initial screening process to assess their probable eligibility for licensure in BC and participation in PRA-BC. Once eligible candidates are selected, health authorities in BC identify practice clinics in underserved rural communities where candidates are selected and interviewed for potential hire.Upon selection by health authorities and completion of PRA-BC requirements, candidates will fulfill a three-year return of service within those communities.

For more information, please visit PRA-BC.

Contact information

Rural Practice Programs

Ministry of Health PO Box 9649 Victoria, BC V8W 9P4