NITAOP Accommodation Guide

Last updated on March 19, 2025

NITAOP reimbursement will be made in accordance with the approved list of accommodations offering government rates. Please refer to the list of approved accommodations on the following website: .

  • Please check the website before booking to ensure you are quoted the correct rate for single accommodation.
  • Booking accommodation under the Provincial Government rate may require that you contact the hotel directly. Rooms at the Provincial Government rate may be limited, so we recommend you book as soon as possible. 
  • Should the accommodation provider require proof you are traveling on government business, please let our office know and we will send confirmation to yourself or the accommodation provider. You can make this request by calling 888-952-2754 or email us at
  • An original receipt is required for reimbursement. Should you book online through a third party vendor; a hotel will still provide you with a printed receipt for your stay upon request.

Where a government approved accommodation is available and a physician chooses to stay in a non-government approved accommodation, a rate up to the maximum of an approved accommodation in the community will be paid.  If there is no approved accommodations in the community, payment will be made up to $120 per night upon submission of a receipt.  As some rural communities do not have government approved accommodation and/or have limited accommodation and sometimes it is difficult to secure available rooms at the noted rates, exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis in advance of the locum assignment. 

Private accommodations will be reimbursed as follows:

  • Staying at a friend/relative’s house, a rate of $30 per night will be paid (no receipt required)
  • Staying at a home owned by the locum physician (not their principal residence), a rate of $30 per night will be paid (no receipt required)
  • Staying at a non-licensed accommodation such as an Air B & B, Bed and Breakfast, etc., payment will be made up to ½ of the maximum allowable per night in the community.  If there is no approved accommodation in the community then 50% of the $120 per night (see above) will be paid.  A receipt signed by the owner of the accommodation must be submitted.

If the accommodation is not located in the same community as where the services are being provided, prior approval must be sought.  For any extenuating circumstances which fall outside the NITAOP expense policy, and which are known in advance of travel, please request approval prior to your travel by email. We may not be able to accommodate your situation after your travels.

Please contact Rural Programs with any questions at email us at

Contact information

Rural Practice Programs
Compensation Policy & Programs Branch

Ministry of Health PO Box 9649 Victoria, BC V8W 9P4