Rural Specialist Locum Program

Last updated on March 24, 2025

The Rural Specialist Locum Program (RSLP) program assists specialists in rural communities to obtain subsidized locums for vacation relief, Continuing Medical Education (CME), and health reasons. A & B communities may eligible with less than seven eligible specialists. C & D communities may be  with less than five eligible specialists. 

Locums for Rural BC

Locums for Rural BC provide the administration services for the Rural Specialist Locum Program (RSLP)

Locums for Rural BC – Services

  • Assist host physicians with requests for locum assistance
  • Assist locum physicians in completing the application process
  • Collaborates with health authorities in facilitating hospital privileges for locum physicians
  • Makes all travel arrangements for flight, car rental and accommodations
  • Provides an interactive website where host physician can post locum opportunities and where locum physicians can review and request placement.
  • Obtains confidential feedback from both locums and host physicians upon completion of assignment.

For information on eligibility, services, or if you are interested in providing locum services in rural B.C., please visit the Locums for Rural BC Website and Rural Specialist Locum Program (PDF, 406KB) policy document. 

For inquiries, please contact:

Locums for Rural BC
Tel: 1 877 357-4757