UBC Associate Dean of Rural Medicine

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The UBC Associate Dean of Rural Medicine was established to bring a rural perspective to medical training in British Columbia.

Based in Prince George, the chair facilitates the enhancement of medical teaching and learning at UBC with a rural focus; and supports rural research, designed to bring solutions to improving the systems of care in more remote parts of the province.   

Dedicated to improving health care in rural BC, the Joint Standing Committee for Rural Issues (JSC) committed a $5 million endowment fund to support the formation of the chair position at UBC.  Along with a five year operating fund of $350,000 per year, to support the development of a provincial network of rural health researchers and to establish a Dean’s Advisory Committee or Rural and Remote Health.

Dr. John Pawlovich was appointed as Rural Chair in 2021, for a five-year term. Dr. Pawlovich is a family doctor who has dedicated his career to improving the health of rural, remote and Indigenous communities in British Columbia. Read more: UBC chair will advance rural health education and research in B.C.

Contact information

Rural Practice Programs

250 952-3486
Ministry of Health PO Box 9649 Victoria, BC V8W 9P4