Product identification numbers (PINs)

Last updated on February 6, 2025

This page lists product identification numbers (PINs) created by PharmaCare to allow claims to be adjudicated in PharmaNet when:

  • Drug identification number (DIN) has not been supplied by First Databank
  • Drug/product is investigational or non-pharmaceutical
  • Drug/product needs separate identifier for PharmaCare purposes

On this page: 


Clinical and patient support services PINs

Clinical and patient support fees and PINs
Pharmacy service Fee amount PIN
Drug administration $11.41 66128366
RAT kit distribution $75 per case 66128325 for BTNX kits; 66128338 for Artron kits
Medication reviews see more see more
Methadone interaction see more see more

Compounded prescription PINs

Before submitting requests for PharmaCare coverage of ANY compound, pharmacists must ensure that the request complies with the Compounded Prescriptions Policy as laid out in the Compounded Prescriptions — Section 5.13, PharmaCare Policy Manual. Any amounts paid out by PharmaCare for compounds that do not comply with this policy are subject to recovery.

For exceptional coverage of a compound not listed here, please refer to Compounded Prescriptions — Section 5.13, PharmaCare Policy Manual.

All compounds—whether a PharmaCare benefit or not—must be submitted in PharmaNet using the appropriate PIN.

If you are unsure which PIN to use for the prescribed compound or if the patient meets criteria, please contact the PharmaNet HelpDesk before submitting the claim on PharmaNet.

Press CTRL+F to search for keywords in the tables below.

Compounding fee schedule

The table below establishes maximum fees for both eligible compounds and for compounds approved via Special Authority. The inclusion of a fee for a particular type of compound in the schedule below, therefore, does not necessarily confer coverage.

The table below establishes maximum fees for both benefit compounds and for compounds approved via Special Authority, which would otherwise be a non-benefit. The inclusion of a fee for a particular type of compound in the schedule below, therefore, does not necessarily confer benefit status. 

Compounding fee schedule
Compound Maximum Allowable Compounding Fee
Oral solutions $20.00
Oral suspensions $20.00
Capsules $0.30 per capsule
Suppositories $40.00 for a minimum 10-day supply. Prescriptions for less than 10-day supply are prorated to maximum $4.00 per day.
Oral lozenges $40.00 for a minimum 10-day supply. Prescriptions for less than 10-day supply are prorated to maximum $4.00 per day.
CADD injections $20.00
Sterile IV, IM, SC injections $20.00
Intrathecal injections $40.00
Creams/ointments/lotions < or = 250 g/mL $15.00
Creams/ointments/lotions > or = 251 g/mL $20.00
Sterile eye drops, preservative free $30.00

Eligible PINs

All eligible compound PINs have criteria. Additionally, compounds containing active ingredients that are subject to Special Authority will require Special Authority approval.

Oral suspensions

The maximum compounding fee for oral suspensions is $20 per compound. For the list of eligible bases, see below this table.

Oral suspensions
Oral suspensions Compound criteria Special Authority required PIN
acetazolamide Yes No 22123223
allopurinol Yes No 22123307
alprazolam Yes No 22123308
amiloride Yes No 22123309
amiodarone Yes No 22123310
amitriptyline Yes No 22123224
aripiprazole Yes Yes 22123272
atenolol Yes No 22123225
azathioprine Yes No 22123236
baclofen Yes No 22123226
bisoprolol Yes No 22123227
captopril Yes No 22123228
carvedilol Yes Yes, except for Plan P 22123265
cisapride Yes Yes 22123195
citalopram Yes No 22123229
clobazam Yes No 22123230
clonazepam Yes No 22123231
clonidine Yes No 22123232
clozapine Yes No 22123233
cyclobenzaprine Yes No 22123234
dantrolene Yes No 22123235
diazepam Yes No 22123237
domperidone Yes No 22123238
enalapril Yes No 22123239
escitalopram Yes No 22123240
esomeprazole Yes Yes 22123271
felodipine Yes No 22123241
folic acid Yes No 22123242
gabapentin Yes Yes, only for Plan G 22123243
glycopyrrolate Yes No 22123302
griseofulvin Yes No 22123244
hydrochlorothiazide Yes No 22123245
hydroxyurea Yes Yes, only for Plan G 22123270
hyoscine Yes No 22123298
labetalol Yes No 22123312
lamotrigine Yes No 22123246
lansoprazole Yes Yes 22123269
leflunomide Yes Yes 22123273
levo-thyroxine Yes No 22123247
lisinopril Yes No 22123313
lorazepam Yes No 22123248
methylphenidate Yes No 22123249
metoprolol Yes No 22123250
metronidazole Yes No 22123251
nitrazepam Yes No 22123314
nitrofurantoin Yes No 22123252
nortriptyline Yes No 22123253
omeprazole Yes Yes 22123268
oxazepam Yes No 22123254
pantoprazole sod Yes Yes 22123315
paroxetine Yes No 22123255
propranolol Yes No 22123316
quetiapine Yes No 22123257
ramipril Yes No 22123256
rifampin Yes No 22123317
sertraline Yes No 22123258
sildenafil Yes Yes 22123318
sotalol Yes No 22123259
spironolactone Yes No 22123260
sulfasalazine Yes No 22123261
tacrolimus Yes No 22123266
temazepam Yes No 22123262
topiramate Yes No 22123319
trazodone Yes No 22123263
ursodiol Yes No 22123264
vancomycin Yes Yes 22123320
zopiclone Yes Yes 22123274

Eligible bases for compounded oral suspensions

Eligible bases for compounded oral suspensions include—but are not limited to—the following:

  • *fixed oil suspension
  • *methylcellulose 1% gel
  • *methylcellulose suspension
  • Ora Blend® (regular and SF) or equivalent
  • Ora Sweet® (regular and SF) or equivalent
  • oral base SF
  • oral mix (regular and SF)
  • oral mix dry alka SF
  • oral suspend
  • oral syrup (regular and SF)
  • *simple syrup
  • sodium bicarbonate stock solution (not commercial injection)
  • *sorbitol solution USP 70%
  • syrup (flavored, oral vehicle)
  • syrup SF (flavored, oral SF vehicle)
  • water (demineralized, distilled, *preserved or purified)

SF = sugar-free

* = either in-store made (stock solution) or commercially available product

If a vehicle or base is not listed above, please contact the PharmaCare Help Desk to determine whether the base is eligible for coverage before submitting a claim.

Note: Stock solutions are not eligible for a separate compound fee. Please see Maximum Allowable Costs and Fees, Stock Solutions.


Dermatological compounds may be processed under a PIN from the table below only if

  • It does not duplicate a commercial product
  • The eligible active ingredient(s) are compounded into an eligible medicated or non-medicated base. Compounds in transdermal bases are not an eligible PharmaCare benefit. For eligible bases, see list below this table
  • The compound criteria have been met
  • If any active ingredient requires Special Authority and an approval has been granted  

Topical antifungals and retinoic acid also require a current Special Authority for the active ingredient, with the exception of an eligible topical antifungal for a Palliative Care registered patient (Plan P).

The maximum compounding fee for dermatologicals is $15 up to 250 gm/mL, and $20 over 250 gm/mL.

Dermatologicals Compound criteria Special Authority required PIN
anthralin + salicyclic acid ointment (psoriasis/eczema) Yes No 22123277
clindamycin in medicated/non-medicated benefit base Yes No 22123280
coal tar/LCD in medicated/non-medicated benefit base Yes No 22123305
corticosteroid in non-medicated benefit base Yes No 22123283
corticosteroid in medicated benefit base Yes No 22123303
corticosteroid + antifungal in benefit base Yes Yes, except for Plan P 22123286
corticosteroid with at least one of the following: menthol, camphor, urea topical compound Yes No 22123278
erythromycin in medicated/non-medicated benefit base Yes No 22123279
metronidazole in medicated/non-medicated benefit base Yes No 22123281
retinoic acid in medicated/non-medicated benefit base Yes Yes 22123304
salicyclic acid ointment/cream (psoriasis/eczema) Yes No 22123284
salicyclic acid + corticosteroid ointment/cream (psoriasis/eczema) Yes No 22123285
sulfur/sulfacetamide in medicated benefit base Yes No 22123282
urea (only in combination with at least one prescription benefit ingredient) Yes No 22123337

Eligible bases for compounded dermatologicals

 Eligible non-medicated bases include—but are not limited to—the following:

  • Aquaphor™
  • Aveeno® cream or lotion (SPF-free and not anti-itch or anti-aging)
  • Barriere™ cream
  • Cetaphil® cream or lotion
  • Cera-Ve® cream, lotion or ointment (SPF-free)
  • Cliniderm™ cream or lotion
  • cold cream
  • Complex 15™ cream or lotion
  • Dermabase™
  • Dilusol™
  • Dormer™ cream or lotion (SPF-free)
  • Duonalc™
  • emollient cream
  • emulsifying ointment
  • Eucerin™ anhydrous, cream, lotion or ointment (SPF-free and not anti-aging)
  • Glaxal Base™ 
  • Glysomed® cream or lotion
  • hydrophilic petrolatum or hydrophilic petrolatum 25% water (aqueous)
  • Intrasite Gel™
  • lanolin
  • Lubriderm® (SPF-free)
  • Medi-Derm™ cream base
  • mineral oil
  • Neutrogena® (SPF-free and not T/gel, sunscreen or anti-aging)
  • Spectro® cream
  • Spectro Jel™ (cleaner and blemish-prone cleanser)
  • urea cream or lotion (including Urisec®)
  • vanishing cream
  • Vaseline™ jelly
  • zinc oxide (SPF-free) topical cream or ointment (including Desitin®, Ihle's Paste, Infazinc® and Zincofax®)

For more information about eligible bases, please contact the PharmaCare Help Desk

Mouth rinses

Mouth rinses
Mouth rinses Special Authority required PIN
corticosteroid with nystatin, diphenhydramine and tetracycline Yes, except for Plan P registered patients 22123332
corticosteroid with nystatin, diphenhydramine, tetracycline and lidocaine Yes, except for Plan P registered patients 22123333
corticosteroid with nystatin and diphenhydramine Yes, except for Plan P registered patients or prescriptions written by an exempted prescriber. 22123334
corticosteroid with nystatin and lidocaine, with or without glycerin Yes, except for Plan P registered patients 22123335

Intrathecal analgesics—palliative

Repackaging a prescribed benefit injectable analgesic, or a Special Authority approved medication for intrathecal administration is only a benefit compound under a PIN from the table below when a patient is registered under the PharmaCare Palliative Care Drug Plan (Plan P).

Intrathecal analgesics
Intrathecal Analgesics—Palliative Compound criteria Special Authority required PIN
narcotic Yes No 22123299
non-narcotic Yes No 22123300
narcotic and non-narcotic Yes No 22123301

CADD injections—palliative

Repackaging a prescribed injectable benefit analgesic into a continuous ambulatory delivery device (CADD) pump is only a benefit compound under a PIN from the table below when a patient is registered under the PharmaCare Palliative Care Drug Plan (Plan P).

CADD injections
CADD Injections—Palliative Compound criteria Special Authority required PIN
non-narcotic Yes No 22123287
narcotic Yes No 22123288
controlled Yes No 22123371

Medical assistance in dying (MAiD)

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Special Authority required PIN
phenobarbital/chloral hydrate/morphine sulphate suspension No 88000002
secobarbital suspension No 88000003

Preservative-free eyedrops

Preservative-free sterile eye drops may only be processed under a PIN from the table below when an ophthalmologist has documented the patient’s allergy to specified preservative(s) in commercially available eye drops on the compound prescription.

The maximum compounding fee for eye drops is $30.

Preservative-free eyedrops
Preservative-free eyedrops Compound criteria Special Authority required PIN
acetylcysteine Yes No 22123289
amphotericin Yes No 22123290
cefazolin Yes No 22123291
ceftazidime Yes No 22123292
gentamicin Yes No 22123293
pilocarpine Yes No 22123294
timolol Yes No 22123295
tobramycin Yes No 22123296
vancomycin Yes No 22123297

Other compounds

Other compounds
Other compounds Special Authority required PIN
disulfiram 125 mg capsule No 66124089
disulfiram 250 mg capsule No 66124085
disulfiram 500 mg capsule No 66124087
prostaglandin injection Yes 66123910
papaverine in combination with phentolamine OR prostaglandin in combination with papaverine or phentolamine (BiMix) injection Yes 66123495
prostaglandin in combination with papaverine and phentolamine (TriMix) injection Yes 66123483
saturated potassium iodide solution No 999113

Non-benefit compounds PINs

For all non-benefit compounds, use the appropriate PINs in the table below.

If you are unsure whether a compound may be processed under an eligible PIN, please contact the PharmaCare HelpDesk before submitting the claim on PharmaNet.

Non-benefit compounds
Non-Benefit compounds PIN
compound preparations (non-benefit) 66123252
controlled compound (non-benefit) 66124162
narcotic compound (non-benefit) 66123367
topical anti-fungal compounded (non-benefit) 66124164
hormone injection compound (non-benefit) 66128214
hormone injection controlled compound (non-benefit) 66128215
hormone oral compound (non-benefit) 66128216
hormone oral controlled compound (non-benefit) 66128217
hormone topical compound (non-benefit) 66128218
hormone topical controlled compound (non-benefit) 66128219
NSAID Topical compound (non-benefit) 66128220
medicinal alcohol (non-benefit) 66123239
All Purpose Nipple Ointment (APNO) (mupirocin 2%, betamethasone 0.1%, miconazole 2% in ointment base) 22123354

Discontinued compound PINs

PharmaNet records show the following PINs are still being utilized to submit compound claims. Please refer to the Compounded Prescriptions Policy for eligibility requirements and the eligible PIN list for a suitable replacement.

If there isn’t an eligible PIN for the compound being prepared (where the patient meets the compound criteria) and there is no suitable non-benefit PIN from the table above, please contact the PharmaCare Help Desk.

Discontinued compounds
Discontinued compounds PIN
narcotic compound (non-benefit) 999776
compounded lotion 842443
compounded ointment/cream 842435
compounded mixture 921297

Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs)
Product PIN
FLEXI-T 300 IUD                                66127954
FLEXI-T +300 IUD 66128087
FLEXI-T +380 IUD 66128088
LIBERTE UT380 short 66128089
LIBERTE UT380 standard 66128090
LIBERTE TT380 short 66128091
LIBERTE TT380 standard 66128092
LIBERTE UT 380 Silver-Copper Standard 66128387
LIBERTE UT 380 Silver-Copper Short 66128388
MONA LISA 10 66128153
MONA LISA 5 Mini 66128154
MONA LISA 5 Standard 66128390
MONA LISA N 6612815
IUD exceptional  11200017

Cystic fibrosis PINs

The Cystic Fibrosis Plan (Plan D) covers the items listed below:

  • Digestive enzymes—fully covered under Plan D
  • Nutritional supplements and vitamins—covered under the rules of a patient’s primary PharmaCare plan (i.e., Plan CFair PharmaCarePlan F or Plan W).
  • Hypertonic saline solutions, normal saline solutions and sterile water—covered under the rules of a patient’s primary PharmaCare plan (i.e., Plan CFair PharmaCarePlan F or Plan W).

For more information on reimbursement for these products, see the Cystic Fibrosis (Plan D) — Section 7.5, PharmaCare Policy Manual.

Press CTRL+F to search for keywords in the tables below.

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes
Product PIN/DIN
Cotazym 263818
Cotazym ECS 8 502790
Cotazym ECS 20 821373
Creon 5 Minimicrospheres 2239007
Creon 6 Minimicrospheres 80025653
Creon 10 Minimicrospheres 2200104
Creon 25 Minimicrospheres 1985205
Creon 35 (CF use only) 55123655
Creon MICRO 02445158
Pancrease MT 4 789445
Pancrease MT 10 789437
Pancrease MT 16 789429

Nutritional supplements and vitamins

Nutritional supplements and vitamins
Product PIN/DIN
AquADEKs chewable tablets 55123625
AquADEKs gel capsules 55123626
AquADEKs liquid 55123627
Boost liquid 55123120
Boost Plus liquid 55123132
Boost fruit-flavoured beverage 55123631
Calcium tablets 55123430
Calcium liquid 55123624
Carnation Breakfast Anytime powder 55123632
Carnation Breakfast Anytime liquid 55123633
Centrum 55123510
Centrum Forte Essentials 55123651
Ensure High Protein 55123102
Ensure liquid 55123144
Ensure Plus liquid 55123156
Ferrous Gluconate tablets 55123442
Ferrous sulphate tablets 55123570
Ferrous sulphate solution 55123634
Ferrous sulphate infant drops 55123635
Ferrous fumarate tablets 55123636
Ferrous fumarate solution 55123637
Glucerna liquid 55123114
Glucerna bar 55123641
Magnesium 55123454
Multivitamin mineral tablets 55123375
Multivitamin liquid/drops 55123600
Multivitamin tablets 55123363
Multivitamin chewable tablets 55123569
MVW Complete Formulation chewables 55123645
MVW Complete Formulation pediatric drops 55123648
MVW Complete Formulation soft gels 55123646
MVW Complete Formulation D3000 soft gels 55123647
Nutrisource HN liquid 55123235
Osmolite 1.0 Cal 55123638
Osmolite 1.2 Cal 55123639
PediaSure liquid 55123170
PediaSure Plus liquid 55123640
PediaSure Complete 55123652
PEPTAMEN Junior 1.5 unflavoured Prebio 55123649
Puramino A+ 55123653
Puramino A+ Junior 55123654
Resource Diabetic 55123642
Resource 2.0 55123110
Resource Just For Kids 1.5 Kcal 55123112
Scandipharm shakes 55123508
Source CF chewable tablets 55123628
Source CF gel capsules 55123629
Source CF liquid 55123630
Vitamin D3 10000IU 55123650
Vitamin E 100 55123399
Vitamin E 200 55123405
Vitamin E 400 55123417
Vitamin E drops 55123594
Vitamin K 55123429
Zinc 10 mg 55123478
Zinc 50 mg 55123582

Hypertonic saline 7%, normal saline and sterile water

Hypertonic saline 7%, normal saline and sterile water
Product PIN/DIN
Hypertonic saline (Hyper-Sal) 7% 80029414
Hypertonic saline (Nebusal) 7% 80029758
Sterile normal saline for injection (sodium chloride 0.9%) 55123643
Sterile water for injection 55123644

Diabetes PINs

Blood glucose test strips (BGTS)

Providers—when submitting a claim, use either

  • BGTS PINs—regular (immediately below), or
  • BGTS PINs—Special Authority (next table)

Press CTRL+F to search for keywords in the tables below.

BGTS PINs—regular (within annual limit/private pay)

Use these PINs when a patient has not exceeded their annual limit.

BGTS regular PINs
Product PIN
Accu-Check Advantage 44123021
Accu-Chek Aviva 44123033
Accu-Chek Compact 44123026
Accu-Chek Guide 44123064
Accu-Chek Mobile 44123046
Allevia Plus 44123063
Bayer Contour Next 44123051
BGStar 44123047
Bravo™ 44123056
Breeze 2 44123038
CareSens N 44123059
Contour 44123037
D360 44123065
Dario 44123060
EZ Health Oracle 44123044
FORA Test N’ Go blood glucose test strips 44123058
FreeStyle 44123028
FreeStyle Lite 44123040
FreeStyle Precision 44123053
GE200 44123055
iTest 44123034
Medi+Sure 44123052
Nova Max 44123043
On Call Plus 44123042
On Call Vivid 44123062
One Touch Ultra 44123025
OneTouch Verio 44123049
Precision Extra 44123024
Prestige 44123029
Rightest GS100 44123048
Sidekick 44123035
Spirit 44123061
SURETEST 44123057
TRUEtest 44123045
True Track 44123036

BGTS PINs—Special Authority

Use these PINs when a patient has Special Authority coverage for additional blood glucose test strips for the current calendar year:

BGTS Special Authority PINs
Product PIN
Accu-Check Advantage +100 48123021
Accu-Chek Aviva +100 48123033
Accu-Chek Compact +100 48123026
Accu-Chek Guide 48123064
Accu-Chek Mobile +100 48123046
Allevia Plus 48123063
Bayer Contour Next +100 48123051
BGStar +100 48123047
Bravo™ +100 48123056
Breeze 2 +100 48123038
CareSens N +100 48123059
Contour +100 48123037
D360 +100 48123065
Dario +100 48123060
EZ Health Oracle +100 48123044
FORA Test N’ Go blood glucose test strips +100 48123058
FreeStyle +100 48123028
FreeStyle Lite +100 48123040
FreeStyle Precision +100 48123053
GE200 +100 48123055
iTest +100 48123034
Medi+Sure +100 48123052
Nova Max +100 48123043
On Call Plus +100 48123042
On Call Vivid +100 48123062
One Touch Ultra +100 48123025
OneTouch Verio +100 48123049
Precision Extra +100 48123024
Prestige +100 48123029
Rightest GS100 +100 48123048
Sidekick +100 48123035
Spirit +100 48123061
SURETEST +100 48123057
TRUEtest +100 48123045
True Track +100 48123036

Continuous glucose monitor (CGM)

Use these PINs for the continuous glucose monitor sensor and transmitter.

Note: Special Authority is needed for PharmaCare to cover a CGM.

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs)
Product PIN
Dexcom G6® Sensor 43120002
Dexcom G6® Transmitter 43120003
Dexcom G7® Receiver 43120006
Dexcom G7® Sensor 43120007

Flash glucose monitor (FGM)

Use these PINs for the flash glucose monitor sensor and reader.

Note: Special Authority is needed for PharmaCare to cover a FGM.

Flash glucose monitor (FGM)
Product PIN
FreeStyle Libre 2® Sensor 43120004
FreeStyle Libre 2® Reader 43120005

Insulin pumps

These insulin pump PINs are provided for use by approved vendors submitting claims to PharmaCare.

Insulin pumps
Product PIN
Omnipod Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) CAT45E English 45230011
Omnipod Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) CAT45F French 45230012
YpsoPump starter kit 45230016
Omnipod Dash Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) 45230017
Omnipod Dash Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) Kit 45230018
MiniMed 670G 45230015
MiniMed 770G 45230019
MiniMed 780G 45230020

Insulin pump supplies

PINs are provided for use by pharmacies and vendors submitting claims to PharmaCare.

PharmaCare maximum reimbursement is up to the manufacturer's suggested retail price. PharmaCare does not cover a dispensing fee for insulin pump supplies.

Correct quantities

Claims for all items should be entered as “each” and reflect the number of pieces within the kit. For example, for infusion sets/kits:

  • If you dispense 1 kit that contains 1 cannula and 1 tubing, total quantity = 2
  • If you dispense 1 kit that contains 10 cannula and 10 tubing, total quantity = 20 (10 + 10)
  • If you dispense 2 kits and each kit contains 10 cannula and 10 tubing, total quantity = 40 ((10 + 10) x 2)
  • If you dispense 1 box of pods that contains 10 pods, total quantity = 10

Reservoirs/cartridges PINs

Reservoirs/cartridges PINs
Product name PIN Product description
Auto Control Medical (ACM)
ACM Cozmo® 3 mL IP cartridge 47450001 insulin cartridges for Cozmo® insulin pumps
ACM Thinset 1.8 or 3 mL IP reservoir 47450002 insulin reservoirs for Paradigm® insulin pumps
ACM Thinset 3 mL IP syringe reservoir 47450003 insulin reservoirs for MiniMed™ insulin pumps
Medtronic Paradigm® reservoir 47450007 insulin reservoirs for Paradigm® insulin pumps
Tandem™ t:slim cartridge 47450008 insulin cartridges for Tandem™ insulin pumps
Ypsomed AG
YpsoPump reservoir 1.6 mL 47450009 glass cylinder insulin reservoirs for YpsoPump insulin pumps

Infusion sets/kits PINs

Infusion sets/kits PINs
Product name PIN Product description
Auto Control Medical (ACM)
ACM Cleo® 90 infusion set 46340001 Cleo® 90 (6 mm and 9 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
ACM Comfort® infusion set or combo or ShortCombo 46340003 Comfort® (17 mm) and Comfort® Short (13 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
ACM Contact Detach™ infusion set 46340004 Contact Detach™ (6 mm and 8 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
Disetronic Medical Systems Inc. (DMSI)
DMSI Accu-chek® Rapid-D infusion set 46340010 Rapid-D (6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm) infusion sets
DMSI Accu-chek® Tender 1 or 2 infusion set 46340011 Tender-1 (17 mm) and Tender-1 Mini (13 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
Tender-2 (17 mm) and Tender-2 Mini (13 mm) infusion sets (20 cannulas/10 tubing)
DMSI Accu-chek® Ultraflex 1 or 2 infusion set 46340012 Ultraflex-1 (8 mm and 10 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
Ultraflex-2 (8 mm and 10 mm) infusion sets (20 cannulas/10 tubing)
Insulet Canada Corporation
OmniPod® Pod 46340028 disposable integrated insulin infusion inserter and reservoir
OmniPod® Dash 46340038 tubeless, wearable insulin pump that holds up to 200 units of insulin and delivers continuous insulin therapy
Paradigm® Quick-set™ infusion set 46340014 for Paradigm® and 600 series pumps. Quick-Set™ (6 mm and 9 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas, 10 tubing)
Paradigm® Silhouette™ infusion set 46340015 for Paradigm® and 600 series pumps. Silhouette™ (13mm and 17mm) infusion set (10 cannulas, 10 tubing)
Paradigm® Sure-T™ infusion set 46340017 Paradigm® Sure-T™ straight needle infusion sets (10 cannulas, 10 tubing)
MiniMed™ Mio™ 30 infusion set 46340033 for Paradigm® and 600 series pumps. Medtronic MiniMed™ Mio™ 30 infusion set (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
AutoSoft™ 30 infusion set 46340030 AutoSoft™ 30 infusion set
AutoSoft™ 90 infusion set 46340029 AutoSoft™ 90 infusion set
TruSteel™ infusion set 46340031 TruSteel™ infusion set
VariSoft™ infusion set 46340032 VariSoft™ infusion set
Ypsomed AG
Orbit® 90 SC infusion set 46340026 Orbit® 90 Teflon (6 mm and 9 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
Orbit® Micro SC infusion set 46340027 Orbit® Micro steel (5.5 mm and 8.5 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
YpsoPump Orbit® soft infusion set 46340034 YpsoPump Orbit® soft (6 mm and 9 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
YpsoPump Inset infusion set 46340035 YpsoPump Inset soft (6 mm and 9 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)
YpsoPump Orbit® micro infusion set 46340036 YpsoPump Orbit® micro steel (5.5 mm and 8.5 mm) infusion sets (10 cannulas/10 tubing)

Insulin pump and insulin pump supplies – approved vendors

You can obtain your insulin pump from the approved manufacturer (Insulet Canada Corporation, Ypsomed AG or Medtronic of Canada Ltd.), and your supplies through the manufacturer or any B.C. pharmacy.

Claims must be submitted electronically via PharmaNet. Paper or manual claims are not accepted.

Needles and syringes

Needles and syringes
Product PIN
Needles/syringes—insulin use only 999725

Medical assistance in dying (MAiD) PINs

On March 20, 2020, MAiD prescriptions will no longer require Special Authority approval under Plan P (Palliative Care Drug Plan). Coverage will be provided automatically under the Assurance Plan (Plan Z).

For Plan Z coverage, all MAiD prescriptions need to be claimed through PharmaNet using the MAiD-specific Product Identification Numbers (PINs). Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) may no longer be used.

Each PIN identifies a drug, strength/concentration, and form. It will not identify a specific brand. Any brand of a drug can be dispensed under the PIN and will be paid up to the maximum price that is allowable for that PIN.

If you are unable to acquire a product that meets the specifications of the drug identified in the tables below, or if the price of the product you have exceeds the allowable maximum price, please contact the PharmaCare Help Desk for assistance.

If a patient is ineligible for MAiD due to a lack of MSP coverage, or because they recently moved to B.C. from another part of Canada, please call HIBC.

As of March 20, 2020, please use the PINs below when entering all MAiD prescriptions.

Press CTRL+F to search for keywords in the tables below.

Intravenous (IV) kit PINs
Product PIN
lidocaine 1% injection 88000004
lidocaine 2% injection 88000005
bupivicaine 5 mg/mL injection 88000006
midazolam 1 mg/mL injection 88000007
midazolam 5 mg/mL injection 88000008
phenobarbital sodium 120 mg/mL injection 88000009
propofol 10 mg/mL injection 88000010
rocuronium bromide 10 mg/mL injection 88000011
sodium chloride 0.9% injection 88000012
Oral kit PINs
Product PIN
haloperidol 5 mg/mL injection 88000013
lorazepam 0.5 mg SL tablet 88000014
metoclopramide 10 mg tablet 88000015
ondansetron 8 mg tablet 88000016
phenobarbital + chloral hydrate + morphine sulphate oral suspension 88000002
secobarbital compound suspension 88000003
Clinical Service Fee PINs
Product PIN
primary and secondary IV regimen 88000000
primary oral drug regimen and secondary IV regimen 88000001

Minor Ailments and Contraception Service (MACS) PINs

Minor ailments and contraception PINs

Condition PIN description
(PA: pharmacist assessment)
(HCP: health care provider)
Acne, mild PA acne-RX 98890001 
PA acne-RX other HCP 98890002
PA acne-no RX 98890003
PA acne-no RX other HCP 98890004
Allergic rhinitis PA allergy-RX 98890005
PA allergy-RX other HCP 98890006
PA allergy-no RX 98890007
PA allergy-no RX other HCP 98890008
  • allergic
  • bacterial
  • viral
PA pink eye-RX 98890009
PA pink eye-RX other HCP 98890010
PA pink eye-no RX 98890011
PA pink eye-no RX other HCP 98890012
Contraception PA contraception-RX 98890013
PA contraception-RX other HCP 98890014
PA contraception-no RX 98890015
PA contraception-no RX other HCP 98890016
  • allergic
  • atopic
  • contact
  • diaper
  • seborrheic
PA dermatitis-RX 98890017
PA dermatitis-RX other HCP 98890018
PA dermatitis-no RX 98890019
PA dermatitis-no RX other HCP 98890020
Dysmenorrhea PA menstrual pain-RX 98890021
PA menstrual pain-RX other HCP 98890022
PA menstrual pain-no RX 98890023
PA menstrual pain-no RX other HCP 98890024
Fungal infections
  • onychomycosis (nail)
  • tinea corporis (ringworm)
  • tinea cruris (jock itch)
  • tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)
PA fungal infx-RX 98890029
PA fungal infx-RX other HCP 98890030
PA fungal infx-no RX 98890031
PA fungal infx-no RX other HCP 98890032
GERD/dyspepsia PA GERD/dyspepsia-RX 98890033
PA GERD/dyspepsia-RX other HCP 98890034
PA GERD/dyspepsia-no RX 98890035
PA GERD/dyspepsia-no RX other HCP 98890036
Headache PA headache-RX 98890037
PA headache-RX other HCP 98890038
PA headache-no RX 98890039
PA headache-no RX other HCP 98890040
Hemorrhoids PA hemorrhoid-RX 98890041
PA hemorrhoid-RX other HCP 98890042
PA hemorrhoid-no RX 98890043
PA hemorrhoid-no RX other HCP 98890044
Herpes labialis (cold sores) PA cold sore-RX 98890045
PA cold sore-RX other HCP 98890046
PA cold sore-no RX 98890047
PA cold sore-no RX other HCP 98890048
Impetigo PA impetigo-RX 98890049
PA impetigo-RX other HCP 98890050
PA impetigo-no RX 98890051
PA impetigo-no RX other HCP 98890052
Oral ulcers (canker sores, aphthous ulcers) PA canker sore-RX 98890053
PA canker sore-RX other HCP 98890054
PA canker sore-no RX 98890055
PA canker sore-no RX other HCP 98890056
Oropharyngeal candidiasis (oral thrush) PA oral thrush-RX 98890057
PA oral thrush-RX other HCP 98890058
PA oral thrush-no RX 98890059
PA oral thrush-no RX other HCP 98890060
Musculoskeletal sprains and strains PA MSK pain-RX 98890061
PA MSK pain-RX other HCP 98890062
PA MSK pain-no RX 98890063
PA MSK pain-no RX other HCP 98890064
Shingles (herpes zoster) PA shingles-RX 98890065
PA shingles-RX other HCP 98890066
PA shingles-no RX 98890067
PA shingles-no RX other HCP 98890068
Nicotine dependence PA nicotine-RX 98890069
PA nicotine-RX other HCP 98890070
PA nicotine-no RX 98890071
PA nicotine-no RX other HCP 98890072
Threadworms or pinworms PA pinworm-RX 98890073
PA pinworm-RX other HCP 98890074
PA pinworm-no RX 98890075
PA pinworm-no RX other HCP 98890076
Urinary tract infection (uncomplicated) PA UTI-RX 98890077
PA UTI-RX other HCP 98890078
PA UTI-no RX 98890079
PA UTI-no RX other HCP 98890080
Urticaria, including insect bites PA hives/bites-RX 98890081
PA hives/bites-RX other HCP 98890082
PA hives/bites-no RX 98890083
PA hives/bites-no RX other HCP 98890084
Vaginal candidiasis (yeast infection) PA yeast infx-RX 98890085
PA yeast infx-RX other HCP 98890086
PA yeast infx-no RX 98890087
PA yeast infx-no RX other HCP 98890088

1 Refer to the submitting claims section

Minor ailment services not eligible for the MACS fee

PharmaCare will not pay for MACS provided to ineligible patients or for virtual services. When providing services that are not eligible for the MACS fee, please use the appropriate non-benefit PIN from the table below. 

Minor ailments and contraception – non-benefit PINs
PIN Description PIN
Non-benefit minor ailment 98890089
Virtual non-benefit minor ailment 98890090

Miscellaneous product PINs

Miscellaneous product PINs
Product PIN
allergy serums
Use only when dispensing formulations compounded by a registered lab for a specific patient. When dispensing a commercially available allergy serum, use the product-specific DIN
heparin I.V. flush syringe 66128148
herbal medications (non-benefit) 66123922
non-drug medical supply (non-benefit) 66123227
nutritional supplement (non-benefit) 66123264

Opioid agonist treatment (OAT) PINs and DINs

These tables provide product identification numbers (PINs) and drug identification numbers (DINs) for PharmaCare claims for opioid agonist treatment (OAT).

PINs are for OAT claims only. If a prescription is for pain, enter the transaction in PharmaNet with the corresponding DIN. Do not use OAT PINs for pain indications.

As of June 6, 2023, regular benefit OAT is covered under plans B, C, G and Z. Non-benefit OAT is covered under Plan B, C, G, W and Z.

Interaction fees

PharmaCare pays an interaction fee to pharmacies that are a) enrolled in the OAT provider sub-class; and b) dispensing methadone with direct interaction. The only eligible claims are for witnessed ingestion of methadone.

Exceptional Plan Z coverage

Exceptional Plan Z coverage of OAT is available to people living in B.C. who are not yet fully enrolled in MSP. See Exceptional Plan Z coverage for OAT on the Plan Z web page.

Potential coverage issues for non-benefit OAT Special Authority

After June 6, 2023, patients should receive 100% coverage for non-benefit OAT if they have active exceptional SA in place. Pharmacists should be aware that patients with exceptional SA for non-benefit OAT (i.e., Methadose® sugar-free/dye-free, compounded methadone, Suboxone® 12 mg and 16 mg SL tabs, Suboxone® film) may experience a change from 100% coverage to partial or no coverage at the pharmacy, despite having an active SA approval. This could happen, for instance, following an income review or January 1 deductible update for patients covered by Fair PharmaCare. This is due to the technicalities of entering SAs to cover non-benefit OAT under Plan Z.

Pharmacists and prescribers should call the HIBC Help Desk if they believe that someone with an SA for non-benefit OAT is not receiving the appropriate coverage. Help Desk staff will determine whether the SA is active and, if so, will contact the SA team to determine coverage issues and re-instatement. If the SA has indeed expired, the prescriber will need to submit a new SA request.

Regular benefit OAT


Methadone claim submission requirements

  • Claim quantity must be submitted as total mL
  • SIG must include dose in mg and mL, e.g., "Take 5 mL (50 mg) once daily"
  • SIG must include the start and end dates of the prescription
  • Carries must be claimed as single multiple-day supply for drug cost, plus a single dispensing fee
  • Split doses must be claimed as a single multiple-dose claim for drug cost, plus a single dispensing fee
  • Maximum one dispensing fee and one interaction fee per patient per day

For information on the methadone maintenance payment program, visit Methadone Maintenance Payment Program — Section 8.8, PharmaCare Policy Manual.

 Regular benefit – methadone (cherry)
 Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) DIN 2394596 PIN for OAT Plan coverage
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - direct interaction 66999997 Plans B, C, G, and Z
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - no direct interaction 66999998
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - direct interaction with delivery 66999999
Methadose 10 mg/mL (cherry) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000000
Regular benefit – methadone (unflavoured)
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) DIN 2244290 PIN for OAT Plan coverage
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - direct interaction 67000005 Plans B, C, G, and Z
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - no direct interaction 67000006
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - direct interaction with delivery 67000007
Metadol-D 10 mg/mL (unflavoured) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000008

Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian® 

Regular benefit – Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian®
Buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade® and Kadian® DIN/PIN for OAT  Plan coverage Claim submission requirements
buprenorphine/naloxone SL - 2 mg/0.5 mg generics ACT 02453908 Plans B, C, G, and Z
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
  • Claim quantity is number of tablets
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
PMS 02424851
buprenorphine/naloxone SL - 8 mg/2 mg generics ACT 02453916
PMS 02424878
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 10 mg capsule 22123349 (PIN) Plans B, C, G, and Z
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
  • Use PINs if for OAT
  • Claim quantity is number of capsules
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory).
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 20 mg capsule 22123346 (PIN)
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 50 mg capsule 22123347 (PIN)
Kadian slow-release oral morphine 100 mg capsule 22123348 (PIN)
Sublocade 100 mg/0.5 SOLER SYR 02483084 Plans B, C, G, and Z.
Eligible for drug administration fee.
  • Claim quantity is number of syringes
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
Sublocade 300 mg/1.5 SOLER SYR 02483092

Non-benefit OAT


Non-benefit – methadone (unflavoured, sugar-free)
Methadose 10 mg/mL (unflavoured, sugar-free) DIN 2394618 PIN for OAT  Plan coverage
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - direct interaction 67000001 Non-benefit. Exceptional Special Authority coverage required under Plan B, C, G, W and Z.
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - no direct interaction 67000002
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - direct interaction with delivery 67000003
Methadose 10 mg/mL (sugar-free) - no direct interaction with delivery 67000004
Non-benefit – compounded methadone
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL PIN for OAT  Plan coverage
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - direct interaction 67000013

Last-resort, exceptional coverage available with Special Authority.
Dispensing pharmacies must order compounded methadone from the central compounding pharmacy.
For more information please visit the BCCSU compounded methadone bulletin.

Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - direct interaction with delivery 67000014
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - no direct interaction 67000016
Compounded methadone 10 mg/mL - no direct interaction with delivery 67000015


Partial benefit / Non-benefit – Suboxone®
Suboxone® DIN/PIN for OAT  Plan coverage Claim submission requirements
Partial benefit  
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 2 mg/0.5 mg SL 02295695 Partial benefit under Plan B, C, G and Z.
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
  • Claim quantity is number of tablets
  • SIG should include start and end dates as best practice (not mandatory)
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 8 mg/2 mg SL 02295709
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 12 mg/3 mg SL 02468085 Exceptional Special Authority coverage required under plans Plan B, C, G, W and Z.
No interaction fee paid for witnessed ingestion.
Suboxone buprenorphine/naloxone - 16 mg/4 mg SL 02468093

TMU PINs – transaction medication updates

Not for pharmacy entry. For pharmacist information only. These PINS are for clinicians at outpatient health facilities to input. See IIMOAT records in PharmaNet for more details. 

Situation PIN
Clinic (ward) stock dose 66128342
missed dose 66128343
dose increased at clinic visit 66128344
dose decreased at clinic visit 66128345
buprenorphine/naloxone induction doses 66128346

Plan W Non-Drug OTC PINs

For a list Plan W OTC DINS, visit First Nations Health Benefits (Plan W): Over-the-counter drugs.

Press CTRL+F to search for keywords in the tables below.

General supplies

General supplies
Product PIN
Alcohol wipes/pads 11120001
Needle/syringe for non-diabetic use 11200016
Adhesive wipes 11200021

Diabetic supplies 

Diabetic supplies
Product PIN
Blood ketone strips                      11120002
Urine ketone strips 11120003
Lancets for diabetic use 11120004

Inhaler spacers

Inhaler spacers
Product PIN
Spacer device AeroChamber® type 11200005  
Spacer device AeroChamber® type/mask 11200006
Spacer device AeroChamber® child 11200007
Spacer device compact space type 11200008
Spacer device compact space type/mask 11200009
Spacer device E-Z spacer type 11200010
Spacer device E-Z spacer type/mask 11200011
Spacer device OptiChamber type 11200012
Spacer device OptiChamber type/mask 11200013
Spacer device RespiChamber™ type 11200014
Spacer device exceptional 11200015