Low Cost Alternative (LCA) and Reference Drug Program (RDP) Data Files

Last updated on September 5, 2024

PharmaCare updates LCA and RDP information on the first Thursday of every month. PharmaCare can make changes mid-month, as needed, including generic drug pricing adjustments or expedited coverage for significant first-entry generics.

LCA data files 

This list includes all new and existing generic drugs within the LCA Program with their current reimbursement limits (effective September 5, 2024).

LCA Master Spreadsheet (XLS)

RDP data files 

This list includes all new and existing RDP drugs with their current reimbursement limits (effective September 5, 2024). 

RDP Master Spreadsheet (XLS)

LCA/RDP Updates Workbook

The LCA/RDP Updates Workbook (effective September 5, 2024) includes four spreadsheets, with cumulative information on all new generic drug listings; all new LCA categories; all changes and effective dates for new LCA or RDP reimbursement limits; and any drug de-listings. 

LCA/RDP Updates Workbook (XLS)

  • Summary Spreadsheet—summarizes the most recent changes to the LCA/RDP
  • LCA Updates Spreadsheetall updates to the LCA Master Spreadsheet since April 1, 2024
  • RDP Updates Spreadsheetall updates to the RDP Master Spreadsheet since April 1, 2024
  • Non-benefit Spreadsheet—all non-benefit generic drug listing decisions since April 1, 2024

How to interpret the data files


If you have questions about the data files or historical pricing, please email PharmaCare.