On this page: What BC PharmaCare covers | What BC PharmaCare does not cover
Pharmacies charge different amounts for drugs and services. You may want to compare prices and services.
PharmaCare covers:
Use the PharmaCare Formulary Search to see which drugs PharmaCare covers. Click on a drug's DIN/PIN/NPN to see the plans it is covered under.
PharmaCare does not help pay for...
Drugs covered by other agencies or facilities, such as those:
The following medical supplies and devices:
These fees:
The following pharmacy services:
Children in low and moderate income families may be eligible for basic dental and vision care coverage through B.C.'s Healthy Kids Program.
Learn more about Pharmacy Services that PharmaCare can help you with.
Some drugs require approval for PharmaCare coverage ("Special Authority").
Use the Formulary Search to find out which drugs PharmaCare covers, under which plans, and how much help you can get with costs