Other Information

Last updated on September 21, 2022

The information below might be useful in providing advice about Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage to your group members.

Fair PharmaCare

The Fair PharmaCare plan helps British Columbians with the cost of eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies. Fair PharmaCare coverage is based on income. The lower the individual’s income, the more help they receive.

To be eligible for Fair PharmaCare, a beneficiary must have valid MSP coverage; and must have filed an income tax return for the applicable taxation year.

More information about Fair PharmaCare eligibility can be found at: Fair PharmaCare Plan.

Supplementary Benefits

Supplementary Benefits provide partial payment for certain medical services obtained in British Columbia (for example, massage therapy and chiropractic services) and may provide access to other income-based programs. Eligibility for Supplementary Benefits is based on an Account Holder’s net income (combined, if applicable, with his or her spouse’s net income) minus allowable deductions.

Group members can find information about Supplementary Benefits at: Supplementary Benefits.

BC Application for Health and Drug Coverage

Group members can register for Fair PharmaCare and apply for Supplementary Benefits online using the BC Application for Health and Drug Coverage. Visit gov.bc.ca/AHDC.

Retroactive Premium Assistance

Beneficiaries can continue to apply for Retroactive Premium Assistance following January 1, 2020. For more information, visit gov.bc.ca/MSP/retropremiumassistance. If a beneficiary’s MSP premiums were covered by your group (employer, union or pension plan) during the applicable tax year, you must authorize the application before it is submitted.