Publish assets in CMS Lite

Last updated on January 9, 2024

Guidelines for publishing assets in CMS Lite

Asset quantity and size limit

Up to 500 assets, totalling no more than 100 MB can be published in one workflow.

Get notified when the publish job is complete

If you would like to be notified by email when a job has successfully completed, put a checkmark in the 'Notify me when published' box.

Selecting assets for publishing

The following methods will help you select your assets:

To select multiple folders/assets

Use the Shift or Ctrl key method selected checkbox

To select an individual folder/asset

Click on the asset folder title


Assets must be uploaded and published before they will appear on the Production server. 

Uploaded assets are automatically saved to the QA server. You must also publish the assets, or they will not be available on the published page.

If you are replacing a published asset, remember to re-publish the asset for the new one to appear on the published page.

How to publish assets

Content editors may publish assets within their security group from the:

Publish assets from the Asset Navigation pane

  1. Navigate to the applicable location in the Asset Navigation Pane
  2. Check the box next to the Asset Folder(s) selected checkbox
  3. Click the drop-down Action menu and select Publish Selected Folder (Assets and Children Assets)
    • The Publish box will be displayed for selected items(s) and all the children

Publish actions and selected folder

  1. To submit the job to the Production web server:
    • Immediately: 
      1. Leave the default set to Publish Now 
      2. Click [Confirm]

        The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains xx item(s)
    • At a future date and/or time: 
      1. Select the Publish Later radio button
        The calendar will be displayed with the current date and time
      2. To choose a future date, click on the applicable date in the calendar
      3. Use the Up and Down arrows, and the [AM/PM] toggle button to specify a new time
      4. Click outside the calendar but within the Publish box.
        The calendar will be closed and the new date and time will be displayed in the field below Publish Later
      5. Click the [Confirm] button to complete the action

         The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains xx item(s)

Publish with Children dialog box
Publish Later with calendar

Publish assets from the Asset Folder

  1. Navigate to the applicable location in the Asset Navigation Pane of the folder containing the assets to be published
  2. Click on the asset folder title to display the Asset Folder Pane
  3. The following options are available:
    • Choose the [Publish Current folder] action button  to publish all assets in the entire folder
    • Check the box selected checkbox next to the individual file(s), or select the box next to the File/Folder Name headingselected check box next to File/Folder Name to select all files displayed in the current grid, and choose [Publish Selected]
  4. To submit the job to the Production web server immediately, leave the default set to Publish Now and click [Confirm]

    The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains xx item(s)"

Click image to view in full screen
Asset Folder Pane

  1. To submit the job to the Production web server at a future date and/or time, select the Publish Later radio button 
    The calendar will be displayed with the current date and time
    1. To choose a future date, click on the applicable date in the calendar
    2. Use the Up and Down arrows, and the [AM/PM] toggle button to specify a new time
    3. Click outside the calendar but within the Publish box.
      The calendar will be closed and the new date and time will be displayed in the field below Publish Later
    4. Click the [Confirm] button to complete the action

      The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains xx item(s)"

Publish Later with calendar

Publish assets from the Asset Settings

  1. Click the [Publish] action button
    • Any unsaved changes to the asset properties (settings, metadata or tags) will automatically be saved as part of the publish action workflow
  2. To submit the job to the Production web server immediately, leave the default set to Publish Now and click [Confirm]
    • The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains 1 item"

Click image to view in full screen Assets Setting Pane with Publish action button

  1. To submit the job to the Production web server at a future date and/or time, select the Publish Later radio button
    The calendar will be displayed with the current date and time
    1. To choose a future date, click on the applicable date in the calendar
    2. Use the Up and Down arrows, and the [AM/PM] toggle button to specify a new time
    3. Click outside the calendar but within the Publish box.
      The calendar will be closed and the new date and time will be displayed in the field below Publish Later
  2. Click the [Confirm] button to complete the action
    • The Publish box will be closed and a message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Asset Pane "The Publish Job has been created and contains 1 item"

Publish Later with calendar