Strategic Engagement Agreements

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Strategic Engagement Agreements (SEAs) establish mutually agreed upon procedures for consultation and accommodation.

SEAs with First Nations are intended to encourage a positive and respectful government to government relationship and to strengthen B.C.’s investment climate. These agreements are used by government to support the New Relationship and Transformative Change Accord objectives.

For First Nations in the treaty process, SEAs can help to build the mechanisms to support decision making in a post-treaty environment.

SEAs provide an opportunity for First Nations not in the treaty process to take a more active role in the decision making process and develop a stronger government to government relationship with the province.

The following First Nations have Strategic Engagement Agreements:

Contact information

The Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation leads the province's participation in treaty and other negotiations with First Nations.

PO Box 9100 Stn. Prov. Govt. Victoria BC V8W 9B1