Rural Economic Development

Last updated on February 4, 2025

The Province of British Columbia is committed to working with rural communities to strengthen their resilience, create jobs and build economic opportunities while enriching the lifestyle advantages that rural B.C. offers. Rural-specific perspectives are considered in government policy, program design and decision-making processes to reflect the unique experiences of rural communities.

Learn about the programs, services and resources available to support rural communities in addressing their economic development needs. 

Williams Lake River Valley Trail



Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP)

REDIP supports rural economic development projects that promote economic capacity building, economic diversification, resilience, clean economy opportunities, and infrastructure development. For more information and program details, visit the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program


BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (MJF)

The BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund helps manufacturing companies modernize, innovate and grow by providing funding for capital projects in all regions in B.C., particularly in communities affected by economic impacts or downturns. To learn more, go to BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund.


Forestry Sector Supports

A list of co-ordinated and comprehensive supports for workers, communities and businesses to offset any economic impacts that may follow from new restrictions on harvesting old growth forests and other changes in the forest sector. For more information, visit Supports for Forestry Workers, Communities and Businesses.




Economic Development Services

Specialized government staff are available throughout B.C. to provide a wide range of free and accessible economic development services. Find your regional contact at Economic Development Services.


Community Transition Services

Community transition services are available to rural communities experiencing significant economic impacts, such as the closure or reduced operations of a major employer. Services are tailored to the specific needs of the community. Learn about the steps in a community transition process




Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook for Rural British Columbia

This guidebook supports rural communities, planners, practitioners, and other personnel with resident retention and attraction planning and activities. There are tools, tips, information, guiding questions, case studies and practical worksheets. Each section includes information to generate ideas that rural communities can adapt and use.

Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook for Rural British Columbia (PDF, 4MB)


Rural Workforce Housing Case Studies

This resource provides case studies on workforce housing to support rural communities interested in pursuing their own workforce housing projects. 

Workforce Housing Case Studies and Resources (PDF, 2.3MB)


Regional Contacts

Staff are available to support your community and economic development across B.C.

Find the regional contact for your area or contact us at