Create a new position in Job Store

Last updated on February 21, 2025

Learn about the required materials and steps you need to take to create a new position with Job Store profiles.

  • If you want to create a new position with a custom profile, visit creating a new position with a custom profile
  • If you want to create 10 or more of the same positions or are creating a new team, contact Classification and Exclusion Services via AskMyHR using the service category Job Classification > Create a New Position
  • If you want to reclassify existing positions, contact AskMyHR using the service category Job Classification > Classification Review

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When to create a new position

  • Before submitting a hiring request for a new position, you must first create the position and obtain a position number
  • When the job of the existing position has changed significantly, you may need to create a new position and remove the old position. Speak to Classification and Exclusion Services first

Using Job Store

The fastest way to create a new position is using Job Store, a web application with pre-approved generic job profiles that are common across ministries.

There are three types of profiles in Job Store:

  • Automatic: Many job profiles lead to automatic creation of a position number if the criteria is met in the context section and you don’t make any significant changes. The context section of the job profile ensures the organizational structure and any qualifying conditions are understood and matched
  • Verification required: Some profiles always require verification due to the nature of the role. For example, some positions have limitations required by legislation and require a review by Classification Services to ensure legislation is upheld. Excluded positions also require union approval and require a process to be followed outside of Job Store
  • Exclusion required: Any new excluded positions must go through an initial exclusion viability review and subsequent classification approval first (if required). Classification and Exclusion Services will follow up with you for the required information needed to complete an exclusion review

Steps to create a new position in Job Store 

Step 1: Check your authority

Ensure you have received executive approval (deputy minister or delegate) for this new position.

Step 2: Gather basic information

Keep the following information ready:

  • Department ID or paylist number of the department the new position needs to be created in
  • Position number or name of the supervisor which the new position would report to
  • Position number or name of the excluded manager who approved the use of the job profile (see next step)
  • Branch name
  • Division name

Step 3: Submit the request

Watch this video to learn the steps involved in creating a new position in Job Store:

Job Store: How to Create a New Position

​Depending on various factors, the following might happen after you submit a request:

  • Instant approval and generation of the position number
  • Verification of the request in case the use of the profile or changes you made to the profile needs to be verified

Step 4: Classification verification or review

Conditional step: Depending on the job profile or the changes made to the job profile, the request might need to be verified or undergo a classification review.

If the request must be verified or reviewed, the Classification Services team will reach out to you via email. Based on the results of the verification process, the following might happen:

  • Your request is approved and you receive the position number and approved profile via email
  • Classification review if the request requires further inspection

Step 5: Exclusion review

Conditional step: Exclusion review is required for requests relating to Band 1 to 4 positions.

The Classification Services team will reach out to you via email if the position needs to undergo an exclusion review.

Learn more about excluding a position.

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Job Store refresh FAQs
A compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Job Store.

Create a position with a custom profile
Find required information and the steps to take to create a custom profile and a new position.

Exclude an existing position
Find required information and the steps to take to exclude an existing position.

Reclassify an existing position
Find required information and the steps to take to reclassify an existing position.