Behavioural competencies in the BC Public Service

Last updated on May 30, 2024

What are behavioural competencies? Why are they important to know for job interviews in the BC Public Service?

What are behavioural competencies?

Behavioural competencies describe the essential skills and attributes expected of BC Public Service employees.

Competencies are used by hiring managers in job interviews to identify, assess and select the most qualified person.

Review job related competencies if you want to:

  • Apply for a job in the BC Public Service
  • Prepare for job interviews and career changes
  • Start a performance development conversation with your supervisor
  • Improve your competency levels through training and learning opportunities

Competencies for managers, supervisors and staff

These are the competencies for all BC Public Service employees.

They're organized into 4 main categories:

  • Leading people
  • Achieving business results
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Interpersonal relationships

The same categories are used for both competency groups, but they contain different content and must be reviewed carefully.

Visit the assessment and selection page to learn more about hiring.

Review staff competencies

Competencies for managers, supervisors and staff

Leadership competencies for executives and directors

These are the competencies for senior leadership.

They're organized into 4 main categories:

  • Leading people
  • Achieving business results
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Interpersonal relationships

The same categories are used for both competency groups, but they contain different content and must be reviewed carefully.

Visit the competencies for strategic leaders page for more information.

Review leadership competencies

Competencies for executives and directors

Indigenous relations behavioural competencies

The Indigenous relations competencies help the BC Public Service work effectively with the Indigenous peoples of B.C.

4 of the 17 Indigenous relations competencies apply to all BC Public Service employees, no matter where you work:

Use the Indigenous relations competencies to make the changes necessary to better serve Indigenous people.

Indigenous relations interpretive guides

Indigenous relations behavioural competencies

Useful contacts

Can’t find what you need? Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request.

If you're a B.C. government employee without an IDIR, contact the BC Public Service Agency to submit your service request.